“It was more or less one year ago the day when the actor Chris Evans played one of my songs, “Rue Des Trois Frères” and decided to share his interpretation on his Socials. How it’s easy to imagine, from that day on, I had been reached by a lot of new fans, from all around the world, curious to know more about my music. I, therefore decided ...(展开全部) “It was more or less one year ago the day when the actor Chris Evans played one of my songs, “Rue Des Trois Frères” and decided to share his interpretation on his Socials. How it’s easy to imagine, from that day on, I had been reached by a lot of new fans, from all around the world, curious to know more about my music. I, therefore decided to arrange a streaming concert on YouTube from my brand new studio to experiment how the new equipment would fit the sound but also to introduce to my “new” audience some of my “old” classics.
1 有用 1806 2021-12-23 20:53:15
Fabrizio Paterlini终于出了一张值得收入实体的重录精选了。在更理想化的录音条件下的历年经典重奏,更像极简室内乐,情绪也平静不少,琴锤的自然敲击被放大得清清楚楚,Rainy Days的大珠小珠落玉盘也很有质感,更不用说Live Onetake里出现演奏者呼吸声带来的锦上添花了
0 有用 照还 2024-10-23 15:51:13 北京
0 有用 Eurydīke 2022-11-14 11:36:30 上海
听到帕叔吸气的声音感染力还是很强的,给了音乐更多“此时此地”的感触。 这次的演绎和之前稍有不同,感觉更清更淡。
0 有用 配線整理 2021-12-22 13:31:51
〈While Everything Burns〉的 peace 和 peacefulness 之间有点点 pleasure 和 excitement
0 有用 aruAL 2022-08-11 08:57:31
0 有用 子健 2023-10-11 20:32:51 安徽
0 有用 照还 2024-10-23 15:51:13 北京
0 有用 Eurydīke 2022-11-14 11:36:30 上海
听到帕叔吸气的声音感染力还是很强的,给了音乐更多“此时此地”的感触。 这次的演绎和之前稍有不同,感觉更清更淡。
0 有用 咖啡于水 2023-01-28 20:51:45 湖南
1 有用 1806 2021-12-23 20:53:15
Fabrizio Paterlini终于出了一张值得收入实体的重录精选了。在更理想化的录音条件下的历年经典重奏,更像极简室内乐,情绪也平静不少,琴锤的自然敲击被放大得清清楚楚,Rainy Days的大珠小珠落玉盘也很有质感,更不用说Live Onetake里出现演奏者呼吸声带来的锦上添花了