The Mexican singer-songwriter Silvana Estrada grew up surrounded by instruments. As a kid, she watched as musicians floated in and out of her family’s bucolic workshop in Veracruz, where her parents spent hours crafting stunning violas, cellos, and guitars. “I saw that music isn’t just a way of making a living,” she says. “I would hear all these musicians trying their new ins...(展开全部) The Mexican singer-songwriter Silvana Estrada grew up surrounded by instruments. As a kid, she watched as musicians floated in and out of her family’s bucolic workshop in Veracruz, where her parents spent hours crafting stunning violas, cellos, and guitars. “I saw that music isn’t just a way of making a living,” she says. “I would hear all these musicians trying their new instruments, super joyful and super grateful to my parents, and I was like ‘OK, this isn’t just a work tool. It’s a tool for joy, it’s a tool for passion.’”
从1月22第一次听这张略晦暗的民谣专辑,就已经深深沦陷了,但是说实话第一遍听完,对于词作处于一种很懵懂的状态。或许是作者加入了太多个人的生活体验,也因为她借鉴了一些拉美地区的诗歌并将其内化在词作中,才显得歌词很难懂。 Track 1 Más o Menos Antes 是多久以前... M...
0 有用 打败美帝野心狼 2022-11-05 22:49:27 江苏
6 有用 Rae 2022-01-30 19:11:02
3.5 overrated but okay 挺喜欢包含double bass的弦乐配置。喜欢Carta前半段,灵巧的节拍游戏;以及Casa后半段。看了她的Tiny Desk (Home) Concert,演唱和Flamenco吉他演奏表现都很棒
2 有用 南风🌈 2022-01-28 17:20:25
chamber folk + freak folk,今年听的第一张新专 美丽
1 有用 回輈 2022-12-03 11:58:48 北京
“La Corriente”, “Marchita”, “Sabré Olvidar”, “Casa”. Casa前段白描的人声,碎片化的音响,若隐若现的钢琴&萨克斯衔接到后段宏大的弦乐织体,共同描绘了一首哀戚的、命运般的诗歌。整张专辑的灵性与张力正是体现在此。喜欢La Corriente的旋律和叙事,Marchita的情绪张力,Sabré Olvidar的律动。翻译很美,不知原作如何。
1 有用 Eviil 2023-03-06 18:30:19 广东
8.8/10 又是久旱逢甘霖的一张 无论你身处何时何地,当你能够清晰地感受到每个音符时,你已进入其狂想国
0 有用 RitzzzZ 2023-05-06 14:52:43 浙江
0 有用 戒酒盆克 2024-01-29 13:47:24 中国香港
Ahora que somos náufragos en la luna 现在我们是月球上的溺水者
0 有用 弥之 2025-02-16 13:45:34 浙江
0 有用 溺水之咸 2023-06-28 13:26:54 上海
so intricate
0 有用 Monkey 2023-07-18 18:42:27 北京