《原神》公测纪念OST-蒙德篇专辑《风与牧歌之城 City of Winds and Idylls》正式上线,专辑分为《风与牧歌之城 City of Winds and Idylls》、《蒲公英的国度 the Horizon of Dandelion》与《蒙德战记 Saga of the West Wind》3张分碟,共收录63首由陈致逸@HOYO-MiX为《原神》蒙德地区创作的原声音乐。
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Disc 01 风与牧歌之城 City of Winds and Idylls
宁静的黄昏(Twilight Serenity (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.))
风的传说(Legend of the Wind)
风所爱之城(The City Favored By Wind)
蒙德城繁忙的午后(Bustling Afternoon of Mondstadt)
蒙德的黄昏(Dusk in Mondstadt)
星光下的蒙德(Mondstadt Starlit)
蒙德的月光(Moonlight in Mondstadt)
蒙德的又一日(Another Day in Mondstadt)
风带来的圣歌(Windborne Hymn)
西风骑士团(Knights of Favonius)
天使的馈赠(Angel's Share)
剪影与蹑步(Silhouette and Silk Steps)
危险的小径(Perilous Path)
直面(Say My Name)
呃,这可没想到…(Welp, Didn't Expect That)
有趣的挑战(An Interesting Labour)
速度加快(Make Haste, Partner)
开心的一天(A Happy Day)
低语森林的重逢(Reunion in the Whispering Woods)
初遇安柏(Meeting Amber)
风暴降临(Storm Befalls)
淡淡的不安(Slight Distress)
同伴的力量(Tender Strength)
将至的凯歌(Imminent Triumph)
Disc 02 蒲公英的国度 the Horizon of Dandelion
情不自禁(Beckoning (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.))
旅途的开始(Hence, Begins the Journey)
晨曦酒庄(Dawn Winery Theme)
破晓前的流光(Before Dawn, at the Winery)
见惯的风景(A Familiar Sight and Leisure)
饰金的夜色(Cold Night)
平原的低语(Whispering Plain)
七天神像(Statue of the Seven)
命运的初识(Acquaintance (Statue of the Seven))
月亮处盗来的歌(Stealing Words of the Moon)
旅人的暂歇(Wayfarer's Peace)
风洗的群山(Wind-Washed Mountains)
不散的魂灵(Wayward Souls)
追忆(Reminiscence (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.))
烈日之残响(Restless Blazing Sun)
一段回忆(Remembrance (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.))
地平(The Horizon)
静候未来(Awaiting for the Future)
希望的新一天(A New Day with Hope)
Journey of Hope 希望之旅(Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.)
万古之风的弃儿(Forlorn Child of Archaic Winds (Dvalin's Nest))
太古时光的遗孤(Forsken Child of Ancient Times (Dvalin's Nest))
午日的眺望(Midday Prospects)
久住往昔(Dwelling in the Past)
永恒的回忆(Eternal Anamnesis (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.))
Disc 03 蒙德战记 Saga of the West Wind
光辉的涨落(Photon of Fluctuation)
解决之道(His Resolution)
亘古的韵律(Rhythm from Ancient Times)
无尽的回响(Endless Echoes)
冲啊!无畏的勇士(Charge! Fearless Warriors)
水滴的节拍(Beats of Water Drops)
魔导的深秘(Magic Intrigues)
无数的逆境(Against All Odds)
不休的风航(Perpetual Motion of Wind)
乘风前行(Riders of the Wind, Onward)
冰风回荡(Whirl of Boreal Wind)
冰封交响曲(Symphony of Boreal Wind)
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因为温迪入坑,伴随着音乐,在蒙德城被独眼小宝暴打,无意发现最后一颗神瞳的满足,为了音乐在晨曦酒庄和西风大教堂游荡,风起地大树初入眼帘的惊艳…… 毫无游戏理解却乐在其中的新手村时光历历在目。
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