Milan Records will release a soundtrack album for David Lowery’s fantasy adventure The Green Knight. The album features the film’s original music composed by Daniel Hart (Pete’s Dragon, A Ghost Story, The Old Man and the Gun, Strange Angel, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints). The soundtrack will be released digitally on July 30, 2021 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. The ...(展开全部) Milan Records will release a soundtrack album for David Lowery’s fantasy adventure The Green Knight. The album features the film’s original music composed by Daniel Hart (Pete’s Dragon, A Ghost Story, The Old Man and the Gun, Strange Angel, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints). The soundtrack will be released digitally on July 30, 2021 and is now available for pre-order on Amazon. The Green Knight is written and directed by Lowery and stars Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander, Joel Edgerton, Sean Harris, Sarita Choudhury, Kate Dickie, Barry Keoghan and Ralph Ineson. The movie is based on the Arthurian legend and tells the story of Sir Gawain, King Arthur’s reckless and headstrong nephew, who embarks on a daring quest to confront the eponymous Green Knight, a gigantic emerald-skinned stranger and tester of men. The film will be released in theaters nationwide on July 30 by A24.
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In Stori Stif And Stronge (2:01)
Christ Is Born Indeed (1:28)
You Do Smell Like You’ve Been At Mass All Night (2:33)
Tell Me A Tale Of Yourself, So That I Might Know Thee (2:49)
Shaped By Your Hands (2:01)
O Greatest Of Kings (2:56)
Remember It Is Only A Game (2:27)
One Year Hence (3:00)
I Promise You Will Not Come To Harm (3:14)
Child Thou Ert A Pilgrim (2:17)
Rest Them Bones My Brave Little Knight (3:13)
A Meeting With St. Winifred (1:07)
Your Head Is On Your Neck, My Lady (1:59)
Are You Real, Or Are You A Spirit? (1:19)
I Will Strike Thee Down With Every Care That I Have For Thee (1:33)
Aiganz O Kulzphazur (feat. Emma Tring) (2:30)
The Giant’s Call (2:57)
Brave Sir Gawain Come To Face The Green Knight (1:57)
Should Not A Knight Offer A Lady A Kiss In Thanks? (1:03)
0 有用 塞尔比天下第一 2021-08-26 22:05:09
1 有用 猫猫 2021-08-03 09:04:55
Blome Swete Lilie Flour配上Dev Patel骑马就莫名带感
0 有用 Yeeyeeass 2021-11-09 03:04:03
2 有用 舌在足矣 2021-08-03 13:33:40
尽管大部分沿用了中世纪题材常用的仿古风格以及一些恐怖片的套路写法,但最后还是回到了Daniel Hart最擅长的小提琴华彩,完美地撑起了影片最后几乎完全无对白的高潮片段
1 有用 Lyra在贝尔兰 2021-09-20 02:25:20
0 有用 wangzhy 2022-01-16 09:35:18
熟识的搭档创作出了新质感 除了三女高四女低配置的中世纪合唱团之外 对于光线和色调 景别和视角的转换之间 也有着匹配对应的声音线起伏与呼应 Aiganz O Kulzphazur 以及受绿木启发的 Baroque recorder quartet 以及受女巫启发的 Nyckelharpa & Apprehension Engine & Hurdy-Gurdy 等等 Hart 并非闭门造车型 反而会丰... 熟识的搭档创作出了新质感 除了三女高四女低配置的中世纪合唱团之外 对于光线和色调 景别和视角的转换之间 也有着匹配对应的声音线起伏与呼应 Aiganz O Kulzphazur 以及受绿木启发的 Baroque recorder quartet 以及受女巫启发的 Nyckelharpa & Apprehension Engine & Hurdy-Gurdy 等等 Hart 并非闭门造车型 反而会丰富的吸收欣赏作品里的特色融合故事背景 进行自我的补丁完善 再进入唱词的语种 亚瑟时期的古英语 Hildegard von Bingen 创造的 lingua ignota 一点拉丁和一点法语 类似 O Nyghtegal 就是 (展开)
2 有用 舌在足矣 2021-08-03 13:33:40
尽管大部分沿用了中世纪题材常用的仿古风格以及一些恐怖片的套路写法,但最后还是回到了Daniel Hart最擅长的小提琴华彩,完美地撑起了影片最后几乎完全无对白的高潮片段
1 有用 Lyra在贝尔兰 2021-09-20 02:25:20
0 有用 Maxthor 2023-10-15 14:23:16 上海
美如画的画面,精心构思的摄影角度,以及引人入胜的原声音乐,使得这部作品有点像A Ghost Story和The Northman的融合;将经典的民间传说融入了简洁而富有艺术性的改编中,最终呈现出一部极具艺术表现力的作品。
0 有用 鱼肚脐眼睛疼 2021-09-17 00:36:05