Apparently only two percent of ' women in music' are producers, and fewer still produce their own music. New York's Sarah Kinsley joins a small stable of self- produced bedroom pop artists, including the likes of Clairo, mxmtoon, and Beabadoobeewith a heavy emphasis on the'pop' element of the genre. Sarah performs all synths, beats, guitars and vocals on latest song Ov...(展开全部) Apparently only two percent of ' women in music' are producers, and fewer still produce their own music. New York's Sarah Kinsley joins a small stable of self- produced bedroom pop artists, including the likes of Clairo, mxmtoon, and Beabadoobeewith a heavy emphasis on the'pop' element of the genre. Sarah performs all synths, beats, guitars and vocals on latest song Over Under. It's a sublimely joyous, weightless tune that could soundtrack a post disco comedown as it could the crashing of waves on a scorched day. Over Under is a record about the only thing we know to be constant-the ebb and flow. Her recent single, Karma paid testament to that sleight of hand approach. It sounded recognisable in a way that only the really good songs do.
0 有用 南风🌈 2023-03-07 02:04:30 北京
小巧精致 继续关注
0 有用 MyNameIsobel 2022-03-16 16:42:36
3 有用 特立独行的鞋 2021-12-06 22:37:21
完全是教科书级别的indie pop,前两首和最后一首都是有爆点的曲子,第一首层层推进式的鼓点和编曲太有力量了,第二首的和声,最值得表扬的是旋律和vocal表现,这在中间两首钢琴芭乐中最突出,能把纯钢琴芭乐写的这么美这么脱俗的很难找到平替,只是一张ep真的不够听,不过这位在国外挺火的,有发展潜力,持续关注
1 有用 根斯巴克连续体 2021-07-05 13:58:15
建条目。五颗星全给同名曲,自由的决断力,坚定和全然的爱,蓬勃的拔节生长的无畏,自由落地又被托起的感觉。karma摇摆的旋律带着Fleetwood Mac的梦幻感切入。与同时代的年轻女性独立音乐人一样,SarahKinsley表现出Indie pop鲜活的生命力和永远跳动的心脏
0 有用 Frühlingslied 2021-09-30 21:19:13
前四首平平 最后一首The King有惊喜 6.5
0 有用 银翼抄手 2023-07-20 23:13:16 广东
Cut:Karma/Caught Up In A Dream 3.0/5.0
0 有用 - 2023-04-20 22:21:05 福建
0 有用 东东的奇妙树洞 2022-11-19 12:13:20 重庆
0 有用 豆友202082345 2021-11-28 09:09:06
1 有用 MaxieHarano 2022-02-11 18:13:52
感谢某位搬运博主的推荐,同名曲很惊艳,其它四首也很优雅大气,很好听,朋友说I am not a mountain很像lana del rey的曲风,变调后连唱腔也特别像。