The London art-rockers’ outstanding debut is a droll album full of surreal images, bizarre obsessions, and sense memories. The cumulative effect of Florence Shaw’s narration is inexplicably wonderful.
One way to hear New Long Leg is as a cringe-tinged dramedy—like Fleabag or Girls—with Florence Shaw as the performer who knows exactly how to deliver her own script. This album is not the type to be nominated for a Grammy, but it really ought to get Emmys...
0 有用 PierreWongOff 2021-04-03 12:22:24
King Krule那味。
3 有用 囧闹钟 2022-01-06 11:51:58
3 有用 2noWfall 2022-11-12 17:45:37 北京
太美妙了,听第一首觉得千万不能被Apple Music音乐编辑带偏审美,听完觉得这就是我下一个抄袭对象。
0 有用 PabloHoney 2021-11-29 17:33:09
New Yorker年度专辑推荐。念白很迷人。
5 有用 Jackdaw 2021-04-05 13:51:17
0 有用 betweenplanets 2024-09-26 08:04:28 荷兰
0 有用 jasmine 2024-03-31 19:56:54 内蒙古
0 有用 kabboom 2024-04-07 14:31:48 山东
0 有用 BlackLight 2024-10-20 20:16:47 广东
最喜欢Her Hippo。he‘s a dick,strong one,Great one。念唱跳出来的well well well,汹涌的riff,都很加分。
0 有用 白矮星爱吃东西 2024-07-31 22:04:14 德国