▼WV049: 李帶菓 Li Daiguo - 笑功 Xiao Gong Is the robot bird a robot or a bird. Welcome to the wilderness of the future, welcome to the fores t of the spirit world. The shadows of all matter are here. We don’t need to listen to the power of electricity on a grid for the troglodytic drunk-step rave. Hear the sacred sound of energy not like a clock but like the wind, not like t...(展开全部) ▼WV049: 李帶菓 Li Daiguo - 笑功 Xiao Gong Is the robot bird a robot or a bird. Welcome to the wilderness of the future, welcome to the fores t of the spirit world. The shadows of all matter are here. We don’t need to listen to the power of electricity on a grid for the troglodytic drunk-step rave. Hear the sacred sound of energy not like a clock but like the wind, not like the measurement of time, but time itself. 機器鳥是機器還是鳥。歡迎到未來的動物園。就是說,目的地靈的世界的一個森林。所有物種的影子都在。假如靈魂最終就是一種能量,那我們跟電的關系應該是一種不需要把放在一個笨笨的格子模版上來聽的。尊重自然,拜拜電火雲等的神聖。 ▼ 使用樂器 Instruments used: 模擬合成器 Analog machines (Cacophonous II, Double Knot, Soft Pop, 孟奇 Mengqi's Eggsmash & 花瓣 Petal), 大提琴 Cello, 中提琴 Viola, 琵琶 Pipa, 古箏 Guzheng, 鋼琴 Piano, 簫 Xiao, 巴烏 Bawu, 單簧管 Clarinet, 摩洛哥笛 Moroccan flute, 地鼓 Bass drum, 鑼 Gongs, 安比拉琴 Mbira, 人聲 Voice , 東西 Random... things ▼ 李帶菓 Li Daiguo is a prominent figure in China’s experimental and new music communities. Focusing primarily on pipa and cello, he has worked as composer and performer extensively throughout Chinese mainland. Born in 1981 in Oklahoma, USA, to Chinese/Taiwanese parents, Li Daiguo received training in music from childhood on a variety of music systems and instruments, including western classical music and bluegrass (violin, upright bass, piano), Chinese classical music (erhu, pipa), Finnish folk music, Carnatic music, Shona Mbira, and contemporary classical composition and improvisation. After relocating to Chinese mainland in 2004, Li began to develop his compositional style and blend of extended techniques for bowed and plucked instruments. In recent years he has taken part in performances at such venues and events as Desert Daze (Joshua Tree, 2017), Festival/Tokyo (2017), Musicultura (Italy, 2016), Festival in Fes (Morocco, 2015), World Sacred Spirit (India, 2016), Cite De La Musique (Paris, 2014), Sonic Protest music festival (France, 2013), Culturescapes Arts Festival (Switzerland, 2010), Norway Flykescommune Educational music tour (Norway, 2012), Sally Can't Dance Avantgarde Music Festival (Beijing 2009, 2011) , as well as regular performances in China, Japan, Korea, and Europe. As a composer and producer, Li Daiguo has been commissioned by Cloud Gate 2, Guangdong Modern Dance company, Guangzhou Ballet company, Nobu Khan Malaysian Butoh Dance festival, video artists Fang Lu, Tao Hui, Serge Onnen and released albums of original compositions on record labels in China, Japan, and Israel. He has performed in collaboration with Sainkho Namtchylak, Peter Scherr, FM3, Eyal Maoz, Kink Gong, Satoko Fujii, Sato Yuki, and Dickson Dee, and has ongoing projects with Rick Parker, Slim Rothaus, Wu Na, Yan Jun, Xiao He, Huan Qing, and Liang Yiyuan. more
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我只想再找個人愛,我沒真的耍過 wo zhi xiang zai zhao ge ren ai wo mei zhende shuaguo
我想跟所有遇到的人試一下 wo xiang gen suoyou yudao de ren shi yixia
我要拼命找一個愛好或者意義 wo yao pinming zhao yige aihao huozhe yiyi
我自己就呆不住了wo ziji jiu daibuzhule
為什麽什麽都做的好,但是什麽都沒做好 weishenme shenme dou zuodehao dan shenme dou mei zuo hao
我必須買這些東西這些是我們生活需要的 wo bixu mai zhexie dongxi zhexie shi women shenghuo xuyaode
我要很努力讓自己看起來過的很好 wo yao hen nuli rang ziji kanqilai guode hen hao 05:04
這些東西是必須要買的,未來將來 zhexie dongxi shi bixu yao maide weilai jianglai
所有讓我開心的東西都特別短 suoyou rang wo kaixin de dongxi dou tebie duan
我不知道我要幹什麼,就先這樣過下去吧 wo bu zhidao wo yao ganshenme jiu xian zheyang guoxiaqu ba
原标题:Interview with 李帶菓 (Li Daiguo) 作者:rolandwoodbe 2021 年 2 月 20 日原载于 The Blog of Roland 文章地址: https://theblogofroland.wordpress.com/2021/02/20/interview-with-%E6%9D%8E%E5%B8%B6%E8%8F%93-li-daiguo/ https://wvsorcerer.bandcamp.com/album/...
0 有用 金蛇郎君 2021-08-11 00:32:02
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0 有用 时青 2021-12-29 21:34:46
0 有用 Lan 2021-09-03 16:39:16
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0 有用 Lan 2021-09-03 16:39:16
0 有用 別有用心美少女 2021-08-18 10:29:56
Li Daiguo yes yes yes
0 有用 Guiyoursist儿 2022-05-17 15:50:51
0 有用 不ྀ死ྀ者 2021-07-05 21:39:24
4.5 evocative drone works!電流脈衝的七情六慾?失控的電壓帶給即興玩匠李帶菓更多施展的可能,一些詭妙又玩味的並置打開了一條從陰山通向更狂野的場域的通道。