▼WV048: Otay:onii - 冥冥 Míng Míng “冥冥 Míng Míng” is Otay:onii’s second full-length album (after the album “NAG”), each song came out of soul ratcheting stories interrelated through her exploration of the word “冥 Míng”. As she defines it: “Míng 冥, a Chinese word meaning a place between our world and the other world, where souls wandering around before they take turn...(展开全部) ▼WV048: Otay:onii - 冥冥 Míng Míng “冥冥 Míng Míng” is Otay:onii’s second full-length album (after the album “NAG”), each song came out of soul ratcheting stories interrelated through her exploration of the word “冥 Míng”. As she defines it: “Míng 冥, a Chinese word meaning a place between our world and the other world, where souls wandering around before they take turns to reincarnate. The word consists of a roof on the top, a sun in the middle and the number six on the bottom. Míng Míng 冥冥, which doubles the word and turns the meaning into a state where the inexplicable entanglement of past and future happens, a state where the gap which we describe as present opens the portal of memory in transformation, mutation and sublimation. If you are an angel, but as well as a fly, which of the 3 a-tions will you choose to describe these phenomena? The answer deciphers your 冥冥.” Electronic, ambient, sound collage or even noise, with a heart to be mindless on the boundaries of all, Otay:onii breaks down structures that chains her neck and feet, aiming to be free on the ride of acute instincts and establishing a bodily connection through the synchronization of the heart and mind. She believes it is... through this particular synchronization that people are brought to the bed of honesty, in which a moment of history will be worth looking back and upon, and the light will slip out from this crack within any world of creation reverberating the loudest echos. ▼ Otay:onii (Lane Shi Otayonii) was born in Haining, China, and has recently been a resident of New York and Shanghai. She is also the vocalist of the punk spit heavy shoegaze band Elizabeth Colour Wheel (US). Her voice is frequently compared to classics such as Janis Joplin, Björk, Hope Sandoval (Mazzy Star), and Beth Gibbons (Portishead). Her own talent distinguishes itself from these greats as her own voice delivers a sound that ranges from ghostly ethereal to brutally powerful to chillingly dreamy. Otay:onii graduated from Berklee College of music in 2016, honored twice with “Laurie Anderson Women in Technology” awards. She has also received many other honors and accolades including a bronze prize for “Best Female Vocalist” from Global Music Awards and “Best Sound” from the Audiovisual Arts Industrial Incubator Awards. She was rebellious while in school, frequently testing the limits of the learning environment and continually questioning the institution’s business model. She said she would “drop out of school if as a foreigner I can stay there without a visa”. Soon after she got the “alien of extraordinary ability” artist visa. She considers the opportunity of getting to know her bandmates and life time friends as the biggest achievement received at school. ▼ Otay:onii (施金豆)出生於浙江海寧,常駐紐約,她同時也是美國噪音朋克/自賞黑金屬Elizabeth Colour Wheel樂隊的主唱。Otay:onii的嗓音,令人聯想到Janis Joplin、Björk、Hope Sandoval(Mazzy Star)或是Beth Gibbons(Portishead)這樣的經典音樂人與樂隊,但與這些音樂史上的經典女聲主唱不同的是,Otay:onii的聲線更為飄逸與詭異,獨樹一幟,令人印象深刻。 Otay:onii於2016年畢業於伯克利音樂學院,曾榮獲兩屆勞瑞·安德森女性科技獎,Global Music Award的最佳女聲銅獎,與Audiovisual Arts Industrial Incubator最佳聲音金獎等。學院派的背景下的她一直與學院環境和理念格格不入,一直認為“如果不是需要學生簽證繼續在美國生活,早就輟學了”。在大學最後一年,她順利地拿到了傑出人才藝術家簽證,而回顧起學校的經歷,她覺得反倒結識了許多音樂夥伴才是最大的收獲。 《冥冥 Míng Míng》是她的第二張個人專輯,每一首曲目都講述了一個關於“冥”的奇妙故事,同時也相互關聯。她是這樣描述正在探索的遨遊的世界的: 「冥處於此岸與彼岸之間,無數靈魂正在過渡。那裏有一個屋頂,屋檐下有個太陽,六字號在最底下祭奠著。冥冥將此案和彼岸雙重在了一起,過去與未來開始糾纏,打開了“此刻”這個無法描述只可經歷的通往記憶印記之入口,裂縫不停地變著型,在天使和蒼蠅之間。」 她在電子、氛圍、音效拼貼甚至噪音等眾多元素裏穿梭遊離,不斷打破邊界後又重新構建,在尖銳的直覺下企圖用身體見證心與思的合並,並且在此構建真誠溫床上值得回顧的展望的歷史,追尋著迸出裂縫的那一束光,和其最蕩漾的回聲。 ▼ “Singer and front-person Lane Shi Otayonii mostly sticks to cleans, but the register of her voice and her off-kilter inflection means the vocal sits above the riff-swirl in a way that never lets you ignore it. And she’s constantly doing weirdshit: sing-song playfulness melts into a jazzy drawl, syllables rolling around her mouth until she finally lets loose with a wail, while the songs beneath go in every direction but straight ahead. At every turn you’re reminded this is something you haven’t heard before.” - Stereogum “Nocebo plays like a single epic work, thanks largely to Lane Shi’s vocals. (For a rough approximation, imagine an amalgam of Diamanda Galás, Julie Christmas, PJ Harvey, Judy Garland on the best night of her life and John Motherfucking Coltrane.)” - Decibel Magazine “It’s impossible to deny that Lane Shi’s vocal performance is incredibly unique from the off; you could reference Joanna Newsom or Regina Spektor as a vague comparison, but she is tapping into something that’s totally her own on these tracks.” - Echos and Dust "Otay:onii’s vocals here are retro and dusted with grit, almost smokily cabaret. The nuances and inflection in her singing are connected deeply to flexible filaments of emotion.” - Boston Hassle “with vocals that sound like a banshee version of Amy Winehouse.” - Rolling Stones more
原标题: 053: Lane Shi Otayonii 作者: Joshua Minsoo Kim 翻译:我 2021年2月26日原载于 Tone Glow 文章地址: https://toneglow.substack.com/p/053-lane-shi-otayonii Lane Shi Otayonii (施金豆)是一位中国的音乐人和歌手,最近化身 Otay:onii 录制了一些 art pop 音...
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trough death a cup of coffee|intentions and emotions|Cocorosie的感觉还蛮像的!除了声线。异类感很重有点异形的配曲下一秒感觉就要异变了哈哈。但反而我比较喜欢梦之骇客那张,神宗感。
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🤩🤩🤩 巫唱片大女巫