It actually happened, the weeb lad did it, there is actually a third Senpai release. Also, I wrote a novella that goes along with the album, I would love it if you could give it a read. credits released January 8, 2021 A huge thanks to Aza for all her time and patience in proof-reading the novella as well as giving up a huge chunk of her time going ove...(展开全部) It actually happened, the weeb lad did it, there is actually a third Senpai release. Also, I wrote a novella that goes along with the album, I would love it if you could give it a read. credits released January 8, 2021 A huge thanks to Aza for all her time and patience in proof-reading the novella as well as giving up a huge chunk of her time going over the novella with me in a Discord voice call. All samples used are created by me or are creative commons zero attribution unless otherwise stated. Creative common attribution required samples: Applause in track 10, Anime as Leaders II: The Joy of Moe All songs written, recorded, mixed and mastered by myself. I played all the guitars, bass and tried a bit of piano.
0 有用 Desperad0 2024-03-02 02:08:35 北京
0 有用 NeoBERMUDA 2024-01-11 15:02:33 安徽
2 有用 SoccerObsidian 2021-01-08 10:22:22
今年的第一个五星!送给盼星星盼月亮盼来的先辈3!!!Sithu Aye还没有忘记他这个萌萌哒project而且画技进步了是我的错觉吗\(//∇//)\
0 有用 Nero 2023-12-19 20:13:03 四川
二次元前卫金属?Mari's New Day/Reina: A Rival's Reprise/Time to Decide!/Graduation/Anime as Leaders II: The Joy of Moe
0 有用 拾久久 2021-01-08 18:05:57
0 有用 p424d0x 2024-03-12 12:47:41 澳大利亚
a foolproof counterargument, nay, a slap in the face, to "tech music has no melody/feel".
0 有用 Golgatha 2021-01-13 20:09:11
终于在第三张前辈把前卫ACG混搭玩到纯熟 ACG编曲虽然很明显 但也眼前一亮
2 有用 SoccerObsidian 2021-01-08 10:22:22
今年的第一个五星!送给盼星星盼月亮盼来的先辈3!!!Sithu Aye还没有忘记他这个萌萌哒project而且画技进步了是我的错觉吗\(//∇//)\
0 有用 Jarry 2021-03-22 00:52:09
josh推荐... 不是很喜欢
0 有用 x核桃x 2021-01-15 16:39:35