In the iconic opening scene of Hou Hsiao Hsien’s Millennium Mambo (2001), the actress Shu Qi glides through a tunnel. Her hair slides across her face as she looks left, right, back, forward, then back again as Lim Giong’s “A Pure Person” begins to play. Her life is broken, but in that moment, she escapes - there is no pain. There is no sense of past, present, or future - she ...(展开全部) In the iconic opening scene of Hou Hsiao Hsien’s Millennium Mambo (2001), the actress Shu Qi glides through a tunnel. Her hair slides across her face as she looks left, right, back, forward, then back again as Lim Giong’s “A Pure Person” begins to play. Her life is broken, but in that moment, she escapes - there is no pain. There is no sense of past, present, or future - she exists as a pure person within all three. This album seeks to understand what it means to be a pure person. Through new melodic and philosophical interpretations of Lim Giong’s original track as well as one new track from Lim, A Pure Person contains the past, present, and future. Created with the purest of intentions, please enjoy with the purest of intentions. 在候孝賢導演的電影《 千禧曼波 》中,那指標性的第一幕是女主角舒淇漫步於天橋長廊上,正當她左顧右盼,向後向前又再向後看時,髮絲散落在臉龐,此時,林強的《單純的人》開始播放,電影中女主角的生活雖然破碎,但在那一瞬間,她超脫了。沒有痛苦,沒有過去、現在和未來。她存在一個三者合一的單純境界。 這張專輯旨在了解成為一個單純的人意味著什麼。藉著新的旋律和哲學思維來詮釋原版林強創作的《 單純的人》,這其中也包含了一首林強的新作。這新的《單純的人》橫跨了過去、現在和未來。從單純的心出發,也請用單純的心來感受。
0 有用 靚仔胡迪 2020-10-18 16:59:06
0 有用 頭髮 2021-04-18 00:50:05
A Pure Person從頭到尾都在講述生命易耗、我們正走向老去這一件事
0 有用 pucker 2020-11-27 00:22:39
0 有用 刘白 2020-11-24 15:31:27
0 有用 ☆♪ 2021-06-11 21:56:57
花伦乐队推荐,point用合成器制造出了一种只属于西藏或者冰岛的雨滴声,或是叮咚的泉水声,我沉浸在这样一种意境,傍晚看着落日的余晖慢慢浸透城市,橘红色天空的那边下着小雨,雨滴落在石板小路上,叮咚叮咚,我想像自己坐在计程车上,看着云朵慢慢后退,路的终点是哪我也不会去想,就这样跟着音乐游走在没有高楼大厦的平原之上。point用音乐诠释了他对于纯净境界的思考,曲末三字经的采样与一段台湾腔调的男声更是为这... 花伦乐队推荐,point用合成器制造出了一种只属于西藏或者冰岛的雨滴声,或是叮咚的泉水声,我沉浸在这样一种意境,傍晚看着落日的余晖慢慢浸透城市,橘红色天空的那边下着小雨,雨滴落在石板小路上,叮咚叮咚,我想像自己坐在计程车上,看着云朵慢慢后退,路的终点是哪我也不会去想,就这样跟着音乐游走在没有高楼大厦的平原之上。point用音乐诠释了他对于纯净境界的思考,曲末三字经的采样与一段台湾腔调的男声更是为这一思考赋予了哲学意味,原来合成器音乐同样能让人思考与感动。 (展开)
0 有用 Sahraaoud 2021-11-12 08:38:18
0 有用 pucker 2020-11-27 00:22:39
0 有用 sofia_lana 2020-12-26 03:36:36
A Pure Person - Point Hsu; 許郁瑛; 非/密閉空間; Jieh
0 有用 momo 2022-02-28 19:55:48
@2021-11-09 01:40:35
0 有用 1900 2021-05-14 13:31:20