this is sick—even better than the rehearsal session (and i used to like their live performances more than their studio recordings)!
膠是別人送的!粉色!(改幾次名🌚) Toadstool的演奏好到差點失魂直接放入十佳 Toadstool / dreary nonsense / terminal jape / said the shovel / Upbeat ritual / If I had my way / gong of catastrophe both too patterning bored
很好,但没法一下适应这么赶时间的演法,紧凑大密度轰下来爽,但好几轨刚开始进感觉就戛然而止了,气闷。感觉这张double drums有点没用透?啊想念Orc那张里的Animated Violence...
Upbeat Ritual / Red Study
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0 有用 Roy_ 2020-12-21 12:04:29
0 有用 𓃥 2020-09-17 14:36:28
this is sick—even better than the rehearsal session (and i used to like their live performances more than their studio recordings)!
1 有用 別有用心美少女 2020-10-12 08:52:22
膠是別人送的!粉色!(改幾次名🌚) Toadstool的演奏好到差點失魂直接放入十佳 Toadstool / dreary nonsense / terminal jape / said the shovel / Upbeat ritual / If I had my way / gong of catastrophe both too patterning bored
0 有用 乔治洗衣机 2020-10-02 05:01:56
0 有用 SeaMonster 2020-09-18 16:15:33
很好,但没法一下适应这么赶时间的演法,紧凑大密度轰下来爽,但好几轨刚开始进感觉就戛然而止了,气闷。感觉这张double drums有点没用透?啊想念Orc那张里的Animated Violence...
0 有用 Roy_ 2020-12-21 12:04:29
0 有用 Song³ 2020-10-10 17:14:38
Upbeat Ritual / Red Study
0 有用 𓃥 2020-09-17 14:36:28
this is sick—even better than the rehearsal session (and i used to like their live performances more than their studio recordings)!