The album was conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aaron Dessner of The National was isolating and quarantining with his family, when Swift had approached him in late April to write some songs remotely together. 11 songs were written with Dessner over the next few months, while the others were written with Jack Antonoff, William Bowery and Bon Iver. "I thought it would ta...(展开全部) The album was conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aaron Dessner of The National was isolating and quarantining with his family, when Swift had approached him in late April to write some songs remotely together. 11 songs were written with Dessner over the next few months, while the others were written with Jack Antonoff, William Bowery and Bon Iver. "I thought it would take a while for song ideas to come and I had no expectations as far as what we could accomplish remotely," Dessner wrote in his tweet, "But a few hours after sharing music, my phone lit up with a voice memo from Taylor of a fully written song -- the momentum never really stopped." The album's release was announced by Swift on her social media accounts hours before its midnight, July 24, 2020, launch. It follows her seventh studio albumLover, released almost a year prior. The album has eight deluxe CDs and vinyls that are only available for a week for the physical copies, all of which have different covers and photos. An accompanying music videofor the lead single "Cardigan" will be released along with the album.
A-(85)听了好长时间才确定下来分数,最终还是如此彻底地感染了我。songwriting非常漂亮。cut:cardigan(全专最佳) / mirrorball / this is me trying / august / the last great american dynasty / invisible string / epiphany / the 1
《folklore》是我7、8月听得最多的专辑,到现在也不觉得腻。一直没下笔写评论,倒是因为我一直很难想到切入点去描绘自己对这张专辑的感受。直到听到最后一首加曲《the lakes》,心里才终于补上了拼图。 Taylor Swift的音乐中很奇妙的一点在于她对时代流动中某种抽象氛围的敏感...
这是会是一篇逐曲写下去的长评,不定期往下写,最后全专的乐评会发一篇新的。 track1:the 1 the 1在我心目中是仅次于state of grace的开场曲。首先,先来谈谈为什么说folklore是她写作的进化?从前Taylor的作品都是围绕着自我,她的生活成为了她歌曲背后的素材,这也是为何她...
先放个Metacritic的综合评分 滚石杂志(Rolling Stone) by Rob Sheffield 评分4.5/5 So here we are again. The world was in the middle of the cruelest summer ever, just staggering through late July, when Taylor Swift decided to make it all so much messier — her...
279 有用 川总 2020-07-28 21:33:04
148 有用 七姐Clau☁dia 2020-07-24 14:18:35
这是一张注定会争议颇大的专辑,因为它独立而私人,也更成熟、更具政治意味,不再迁就任何pop粉和对时政不关心的低龄粉,这无疑是设置了听众门槛。 这一步行得相当大胆。不过我这种听惯了另类音乐的倒是喜闻乐见,歌词表达上这一张最为成熟而私人化,歌词可以咀嚼很多天……目前Betty最爱,我已经循环到快学会唱了
154 有用 IDKAboutYou 2020-07-28 23:51:51
A-(85)听了好长时间才确定下来分数,最终还是如此彻底地感染了我。songwriting非常漂亮。cut:cardigan(全专最佳) / mirrorball / this is me trying / august / the last great american dynasty / invisible string / epiphany / the 1
345 有用 tONy顺仔 2020-07-24 22:49:18
8.6,越听越喜欢/可能是她撤下流行巨星的光环并真正还原创作者身份的一次尝试,剥去五彩斑斓合成器,她把心绪置放于干净澄澈的简单配器之中,也把日记里的都市情感加以提炼,化成林间阵阵清风与潺潺溪流。写作的第一人称由自己让给了以民谣的纸页写下的小说与散文集,精心设计的上帝视角与虚构故事散发出文学意味的清香。有趣的叙事细节,需要多加思索的遣词造句,意象的捕捉,都把朦胧氛围中的诗意变成具象化的诗句,且近乎完... 8.6,越听越喜欢/可能是她撤下流行巨星的光环并真正还原创作者身份的一次尝试,剥去五彩斑斓合成器,她把心绪置放于干净澄澈的简单配器之中,也把日记里的都市情感加以提炼,化成林间阵阵清风与潺潺溪流。写作的第一人称由自己让给了以民谣的纸页写下的小说与散文集,精心设计的上帝视角与虚构故事散发出文学意味的清香。有趣的叙事细节,需要多加思索的遣词造句,意象的捕捉,都把朦胧氛围中的诗意变成具象化的诗句,且近乎完美地营造出林间光影斑驳随着情绪闪烁变幻的视觉感,而看似恬淡如水的旋律依然暗藏着峰回路转的曲折,也如此贴近文本主题。随性却不随意,悲伤却不悲苦,这流露大师风骨的沉淀与成熟背后依然是她闪闪发光的向往真爱与美好的炽热真心。她再次证明了自己是这个时代最杰出的songwriter之一 (展开)
1 有用 共歷幻場 2024-11-13 08:52:53 江西
1 有用 他人即地狱 2024-11-07 12:48:21 贵州
0 有用 paradise.k 2024-11-03 13:25:27 河北
1 有用 flying 2024-11-08 22:45:23 湖北
【9.0】her best album,叙事一如既往的流畅,作词对自身来说也是极大的突破
2 有用 cdeadc 2024-11-07 22:55:39 江苏
9.0/10.0 编曲细节 旋律优美