Over a decade after its inception, ground-breaking composer Max Richter announces the release of 'VOICES': a major new recording project inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a time of dramatic global change, 'VOICES' offers a musical message of hope. Max Richter invited people around the world to be part of the piece, crowd-sourcing readings of the ...(展开全部) Over a decade after its inception, ground-breaking composer Max Richter announces the release of 'VOICES': a major new recording project inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In a time of dramatic global change, 'VOICES' offers a musical message of hope. Max Richter invited people around the world to be part of the piece, crowd-sourcing readings of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be interwoven into the work, which features an ‘upside-down’ orchestra. He received hundreds of submissions in over 70 languages. These readings form the aural landscape that the music flows through: they are the 'VOICES' of the title. Max Richter explains, “I like the idea of a piece of music as a place to think, and it is clear we all have some thinking to do at the moment. We live in a hugely challenging time and, looking around at the world we have made, it’s easy to feel hopeless or angry. But, just as the problems we face are of our own making, so their solutions are within our reach, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is something that offers us a way forward. Although it isn’t a perfect document, the declaration does represent an inspiring vision for the possibility of better and kinder world.”
0 有用 hellst 2020-08-08 14:39:06
0 有用 Sora 2021-07-28 23:10:40
0 有用 Khaos 2020-08-09 02:44:47
长长短短的50曲,Voices与Voiceless Mix各一半,弦乐主阵,史诗气氛很足,非常像电影配乐。《Chorale》是最心水的部分。
0 有用 aprilapple 2022-02-16 13:55:12
虽然叫Voices但是旁白挺说教范儿的引人不适。建议直接听Voiceless Mix,Voiceless版还是完全拿捏住我了。
1 有用 麝明 Musk Ming 2023-05-11 02:12:05 德国
确实Voiceless Mix更入耳
0 有用 橙黄 2022-10-11 15:36:54 山东
0 有用 liviya zhang 2021-06-18 23:34:39
感觉不念会更好些,音乐是抽象表达,语言还是偏意象合适些,世界人权宣言的语言具有过强的强制性,死死框住了音乐的表达。也许本就是艺术家想表达的吧,在这里语言比音乐重量更大些。当然一开始的All Human Beings也因语言而加强了超然在地球之上的浩渺视角,甚至可以表达宇宙场景。
0 有用 菲比沃勒桥 2022-02-09 15:53:06
0 有用 jeligala 2022-06-10 08:03:31
all human beings are born free and qual in dignity and rights? let's hope so...
0 有用 かぜとともいく 2023-12-25 20:18:57 山西
@2022-03-11 15:03:16 @2023-03-03 08:32:05