the embryo of dreams is fragile already abandoned to despair
an illusion accusing reality longing for a non-existent sympathy
in dreams there are bruised skies twinkling glass stars
pitch-black flowers calling the abyss only in order to destroy everything
Everything is born out of nothing. From the forgotten self splinters a feeling of anguish. In solitude, it grows stronger. A disconsolate heaviness seeps into every crack. Everything lively and radiant is needless.
Confined in a prison of freedom, cravenly calling for help. A chill engulfs the shapeless cage. Sharp barbs breed helplessness. Throat strangled by a rope… Can’t make a sound… Numb body… Gradually recovers its sense of pain…
Despair takes root in life’s film negative, mingling different colours, absorbing the world’s weight. Empty hands, unescapable crowds. Burning flames catalyse an aberrant loneliness.
The mist of dreams, the silent undulating waves. Trapped in a marsh, there is no escape.
Unable to touch meaning.
Flower’s grave. -by yikii Artwork: Material from Yikii Designed by Tavi Lee Mastering: Raphael Valensi
0 有用 jiaogededouban 2020-10-17 10:08:15
1 有用 PopChopstick 2021-10-20 23:05:53
0 有用 新建标签页 2022-04-14 14:25:52
0 有用 Jägarstyle 2021-08-12 14:56:20
不懂这种 感受下就好
0 有用 xansleep 2024-10-25 04:52:48 贵州
I know
0 有用 Jägarstyle 2021-08-12 14:56:20
不懂这种 感受下就好
1 有用 PopChopstick 2021-10-20 23:05:53
0 有用 新建标签页 2022-04-14 14:25:52
0 有用 jiaogededouban 2020-10-17 10:08:15