Nazar is a 26-year-old Angolan producer who grew up in Belgium until his late teens, when he returned after the civil war and is now based in Manchester. Nazar coined the term Rough Kuduro on his Soundcloud page, as an interpretation of the Angolan music and dance style, ‘weaponising’ it on his first EP 'Enclave' released in late 2018, translating the normally upbeat style to...(展开全部) Nazar is a 26-year-old Angolan producer who grew up in Belgium until his late teens, when he returned after the civil war and is now based in Manchester. Nazar coined the term Rough Kuduro on his Soundcloud page, as an interpretation of the Angolan music and dance style, ‘weaponising’ it on his first EP 'Enclave' released in late 2018, translating the normally upbeat style to expose the uglier side of what he saw in Angola. On Guerrilla Nazar uses Rough Kuduro to sensitively examine and digitalise his family’s collective memory and country's past, threading together oral histories, political realities and most significantly re-imaginings of direct horrors. Every track on Guerrilla documents his personal story of the war and its aftermath in countless people's lives in a detailed and episodic manner. Nazar’s father's rank as a Rebel General led to prolonged separation of his family across continents, with continued effect. “A couple of years ago, on one of many road trips I had with my father, we talked extensively about the conflict driving through Huambo and Luanda in Angola' where some of the events of the album took place. These, along with his father’s published wartime journal Memorias de Um Guerrilheiro (2006) planted the ideas for the themes of this album, and it began to take shape over trips back and forth, from Angola to his Manchester studio. Nazar tells his story both impressionistically, evoking atmospheres and dramatic themes and at times with stark directness.
0 有用 koharu 2021-12-06 09:28:18
2 有用 扰乱 2020-03-20 23:16:45
在国家、家庭、战争、个人的历史上中,对俱乐部开展的游击战。解构俱乐部音乐丰富的声音拼贴成为了子弹 喷涌的火舌对准了舞池 但这一切并未让我感到惊喜
8 有用 IDKAboutYou 2020-03-13 14:19:23
A-(85)他对声响的处理和凶猛而气势磅礴的Kuduro节奏绝对是独树一帜的,而他的灵感,则直接来源于对战争的体验与感悟。Nazar的爸爸曾是安哥拉内战中的一名游击队将军,他对诞生于安哥拉的跳舞音乐Kuduro的后工业化改造与解构,就是为了借助音乐,去讲述战争的历史并展现战争丑陋与肮脏的一面。这张专辑的一切声音都仿佛是按照电影的方式来打造的:凶残而具有攻击性的鼓声、疏远而充满危机感的谈话声、模拟武... A-(85)他对声响的处理和凶猛而气势磅礴的Kuduro节奏绝对是独树一帜的,而他的灵感,则直接来源于对战争的体验与感悟。Nazar的爸爸曾是安哥拉内战中的一名游击队将军,他对诞生于安哥拉的跳舞音乐Kuduro的后工业化改造与解构,就是为了借助音乐,去讲述战争的历史并展现战争丑陋与肮脏的一面。这张专辑的一切声音都仿佛是按照电影的方式来打造的:凶残而具有攻击性的鼓声、疏远而充满危机感的谈话声、模拟武器声音的工业音效和无比粗砺的synth... 他创设了一个战争的环境,让你沉陷其中,随他一起体验战争的激烈与痛苦,极为宽广开阔且充满了回响的声场仿佛正在空旷的地下空间或丛林中上演着一场精彩而激烈的动作戏。这张的声响设计让我想起了10年代初解构俱乐部刚诞生时的那种粗砺和地下的美学风格 (展开)
0 有用 2020-03-14 21:29:54
0 有用 Οsvalᑯo 2020-10-24 14:01:19
0 有用 雨摇 2023-07-30 10:34:08 江西
0 有用 老卢 2022-03-21 21:04:49
@2020-11-20 03:29:03 @2021-07-02 07:55:50
0 有用 1946 2020-06-24 03:42:57
US Sanctions/Mother
0 有用 Chlorophyll04 2020-10-01 22:45:57
0 有用 視力低下.com 2023-08-16 08:30:42 河南
不错,配合标题很有场景感,听得我多年征战FPS游戏的战争后遗症都要犯了 人的故事要比音乐有意思呐/又及, 如果你觉得曲子不够好,那是因为你靠得不够近