Alexandra Drewchin, known professionally as Eartheater, is an American multi-instrumentalist, producer, composer and vocalist. Born in North East, Pennsylvania, she is currently based in Queens, New York, and has been performing since 2009. Her music has been released on Hausu Mountain and PAN.
[Angel Lust] Angel Lust is a collaborative EP between NYC-based artists Eartheater and LEYA. A follow-up to their track, “666,” on LEYA’s 2018 “The Fool,” Angel Lust creeps deeper into their shared vision. LEYA’s shadowy instrumentation of de-tuned ha...
0 有用 不ྀ死ྀ者 2023-08-30 20:14:24 湖南
0 有用 momomomoo 2024-01-16 11:30:46 美国
神级EP 🙏
0 有用 JezOFSub 2020-10-04 01:10:09
1 有用 四次元电音藻类 2020-03-03 15:41:08
4 有用 tONy顺仔 2020-01-27 18:47:35
7.8,Trinity潮起潮落的辽阔感隐去,Angel Lust又重回IRISIRI的鬼魅花园,之前实验电子的地基上长出缠绕的墨绿色藤蔓,竖琴带来缭绕四溢的仙气,繁花在静谧的黑暗中悄然绽放。这张出乎意料地温柔和浪漫,海妖化身成天使,在黑暗天堂歌唱
0 有用 aLone_l707 2023-10-01 10:56:19 美国
(不记得了 因为 前一张是 实验电子 and 想着赶紧听完去听Murkyy Tuness,拟白终于更新了!!!
1 有用 ⚡ 2020-03-22 19:40:13
4 有用 tONy顺仔 2020-01-27 18:47:35
7.8,Trinity潮起潮落的辽阔感隐去,Angel Lust又重回IRISIRI的鬼魅花园,之前实验电子的地基上长出缠绕的墨绿色藤蔓,竖琴带来缭绕四溢的仙气,繁花在静谧的黑暗中悄然绽放。这张出乎意料地温柔和浪漫,海妖化身成天使,在黑暗天堂歌唱
0 有用 momomomoo 2024-01-16 11:30:46 美国
神级EP 🙏
0 有用 NormanRockwell 2020-12-10 21:04:45