Miss Anthropocene的乐评 (9)
Pitchfork对Miss Anthropocene乐评的翻译
In 2011, Grimes was eager to say in an interview that she had “been studying pop stars.” Since emerging 10 years ago as a DIY ingénue out of Montreal’s freewheeling music scene, the artist born Claire Boucher has become known for her experimental produc...
采访稿源来自: https://music.apple.com/us/album/miss-anthropocene/1487294744 (侵删) 翻译手记:原文原来放在翻译后,但一直审核传不上来,感兴趣的可以直接戳上面👆看。c姐一直以来那种幼稚(结结巴巴帮Musk辩护)又深邃(“old gods suck!”),柔弱(和银行吵架)...