everything i wanted的乐评 (7)

DLL@baidu 2021-06-27 16:58:06


这首歌是我听过流行乐里作曲最接近莫扎特咏叹调(可以去听一下费加罗婚礼的《Deh vieni non tardar》,结构类似Everything I Wanted 当然莫扎特的过度更流程更像叙述)levrl的作品之一 通常流行乐作曲都是基于一个能卖钱的副歌(比如“thank you next”)安插上僵硬的主歌和bri...  (展开)
R. 2019-12-10 12:30:18


初听Billie时,觉得她像一个笑容带点狡黠与不屑的怪奇女巫。她那冷漠、另类,甚至暗黑的风格本与主流相背离,却意外地拥有了怪异的美感,像一条神秘的夜路,危险,却让人欲罢不能地想要前往。 但在这首歌曲里,波浪般起伏的电子音效编织出一场寂寞的梦,带着悲伤的力量,将我卷...  (展开)
我要变超好看 2019-11-25 08:22:34


这首歌让我想起了前几天热搜频频出现的独生女应该外地工作吗,独生女应该嫁到外地吗。就像歌词 i had a dream I got everything i wanted, not what you'd think. and it might've been a nightmare to anyone who might care. 没错,我想离开家,而我的这个想法在我的家人,在...  (展开)
Iris_tectorum 2022-01-06 23:40:27

good 4 u I guess you moved on really...

This is too sad. Same as this song. Something like that. Most American music is like this, sad things are very sad, happy things are also very high. This song reminds me of that time. My friend had a boyfriend who betrayed him, and then he ran away. He was...  (展开)
不爱吃萝卜 2024-03-22 14:50:37

everything i wanted

初听Billie时,觉得她像一个笑容带点狡黠与不屑的怪奇女巫。她那冷漠、另类,甚至暗黑的风格本与主流相背离,却意外地拥有了怪异的美感,像一条神秘的夜路,危险,却让人欲罢不能地想要前往。 但在这首歌曲里,波浪般起伏的电子音效编织出一场寂寞的梦,带着悲伤的力量,将我卷...  (展开)
Zachary_C 2024-01-24 23:25:01


“嘿,你车子连着手机蓝牙呢吧,你给我解锁开,别再放黑人部落音乐了,我要放白女流行” (切歌) “啊~这首啊” “我觉得这是她最好的一首哎,很喜欢这首歌的叙事,那种从梦境的絮语延伸到内心的疏离感。” “欸,我看网上有人说,她就是用小学词汇写出了雅思的听感” “哎,...  (展开)
周锡京 2019-11-30 23:08:51


This is too sad. Same as this song. Something like that. Most American music is like this, sad things are very sad, happy things are also very high. This song reminds me of that time. My friend had a boyfriend who betrayed him, and then he ran away. He was...  (展开)

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