Pitchfork连续给乐队两张专辑9.0的超高分,并评论道:at this moment, totally invincible.在如今摇滚乐险些灭亡的时代,主唱Lenker依然固执的驱动手上粗粝的吉他,不加修饰的吟唱那些疼痛却扣人心弦的时刻。乐队曾在5月发布全长专辑U.F.O.F,一年两张专辑的速度不难看出乐队正在走向创作的最高峰!
Not beginning /Not the crowd /Not winning /Not the ruse, not heat /Not the fire lapping up the creek /Not food, not to eat /Not to die /Not dying /Not to laugh /Not to vacate wilderness fighting /Not ...Not beginning /Not the crowd /Not winning /Not the ruse, not heat /Not the fire lapping up the creek /Not food, not to eat /Not to die /Not dying /Not to laugh /Not to vacate wilderness fighting /Not the fire lapping up the creek It's not the hunger revealing /Nor the ricochet in the cave /Nor the hand that is healing /Nor the nameless grave(展开)
2 有用 硝酸兑酒 2020-11-13 21:58:19
今天spotify的release radar 不知道为什么给我又推上了这首歌。它应该是我对big thief 这个乐队态度变化最大的转折点。躁郁的鼓点和吉他拨弦里lenker克制又狂放地唱着每一个Not/Nor,如潮水一般一阵阵地冲刷内心。情绪随歌曲推进愈加失控,最终爆发在堪称完美的电吉他solo上。从未感受到他们的音乐如此有层次,lenker 的vocal也未有过如此力量。
0 有用 sobier 2019-09-24 16:24:24
2 有用 Nick 2019-10-15 16:04:22
Pitchfork连续给乐队两张专辑9.0的超高分,并评论道:at this moment, totally invincible.在如今摇滚乐险些灭亡的时代,主唱Lenker依然固执的驱动手上粗粝的吉他,不加修饰的吟唱那些疼痛却扣人心弦的时刻。乐队曾在5月发布全长专辑U.F.O.F,一年两张专辑的速度不难看出乐队正在走向创作的最高峰!
2 有用 拾久久 2019-10-11 22:48:31
2 有用 血源2出了吗? 2019-08-16 14:25:54
Not beginning /Not the crowd /Not winning /Not the ruse, not heat /Not the fire lapping up the creek /Not food, not to eat /Not to die /Not dying /Not to laugh /Not to vacate wilderness fighting /Not ... Not beginning /Not the crowd /Not winning /Not the ruse, not heat /Not the fire lapping up the creek /Not food, not to eat /Not to die /Not dying /Not to laugh /Not to vacate wilderness fighting /Not the fire lapping up the creek It's not the hunger revealing /Nor the ricochet in the cave /Nor the hand that is healing /Nor the nameless grave (展开)
0 有用 皮皮狗 2022-04-24 09:36:46
0 有用 oliver 2024-04-22 16:31:24 北京
0 有用 申不变 2023-10-27 01:04:45 奥地利
0 有用 Alexspiegel 2021-12-05 16:08:14
0 有用 concretewall 2023-01-27 10:37:36 广东
Power of saying “no”