猫 シ Corp. and t e l e p a t h are no strangers to the vaporwave and ambient scene. Each artist having their own unique style and sound, they now unite and combine their skills for a new album: “Building a Better World”. From deep and hazy synths to light and airy pads: Building a Better World marks a new beginning. The album will carry the catalogue number ‘HR001’; this...(展开全部) 猫 シ Corp. and t e l e p a t h are no strangers to the vaporwave and ambient scene. Each artist having their own unique style and sound, they now unite and combine their skills for a new album: “Building a Better World”. From deep and hazy synths to light and airy pads: Building a Better World marks a new beginning. The album will carry the catalogue number ‘HR001’; this marks the very first release of Hiraeth Records. To celebrate this fact Building a Better World has been released on vinyl record, cassette and CD. Each format will have different color options.
4.0+ every day, with seeing the world sink further into a cyberpunk dystopia, this album will be the survival dreamy whisper for the near future, evoking us a hopeful cityscape.
0 有用 不ྀ死ྀ者 2020-08-21 11:21:30
4.0+ every day, with seeing the world sink further into a cyberpunk dystopia, this album will be the survival dreamy whisper for the near future, evoking us a hopeful cityscape.
0 有用 比特斯威特 2022-09-14 14:35:31 广东
2 有用 不在线🔇 2022-07-31 22:55:56
0 有用 李磨灭 2022-03-06 17:16:12
1 有用 宇宙塑料人 2019-09-26 23:46:57
0 有用 tflcsddlfx 2022-07-16 21:12:58
1 有用 老羊 2019-10-23 06:16:28
7月时写了一个猫 シ Corp.的访谈和此专辑的介绍,地址在此:https://www.weibo.com/2027702851/I8gkCdk6s?from=page_1005052027702851_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment
1 有用 宇宙塑料人 2019-09-26 23:46:57
0 有用 溏心冲浪板 2021-04-11 22:35:02
一不小心,发现已经进化到了post-vaporwave (;^_^A
0 有用 sonne 2021-09-04 21:13:20