Norman F**king Rockwell的乐评 (76)
her greatest, the American's greatest.
90(2019)→95(2023)。 “I want shit to feel just like it used to.” 她在the greatest里唱出了by the end of the good old days的缓缓下降的金黄色的、暗红色的黄昏下那摇摇晃晃又厚重的绝响。正如专辑里的每一首歌。于是那个美好的时代在电吉他与她的歌声中转身离去的场景...
Norman F R
从一开始,Lana的气质就已经立在那儿了:魅力、古怪、荒谬、机智。在主打歌里,她挑着眉说:“你的诗写得烂,还怪新闻。”这首歌从一开始就直接,后来越来越有力量。在那首长达九分半的摇篮曲“Venice Bitch”里,她唱出“fresh out of fs forever”这句歌词,简直就像峡谷里的...
It doesn’t feel like that you’re connected to some really outstanding music or something even bigger like the universe, but like you’re so actively, closely and unconsciously connected inside your mind, that all your memories and desires are not somethin...
听第249遍《California》还是如初, 悠扬,与这个时代背道而驰的旋律 歌词写得太柔和了,听感像是依偎在母亲的臂弯 “You don't ever have to be stronger than you really are,When you're lying in my arms,Baby, you don't ever have to” 却又道出了与意中人的若即若离 ...
NFR 黄昏下的浪漫
颓丧感减少 代替的是极致的温柔。 lanadelrey好像与这个时代格格不入,但这个时代缺少不了她。在我的心里,NFR最配的是黄昏,要在安静的咖啡馆独自听着打雷轻吐“blue”Love song 是最幸福的歌,是“lying on your chest,in my party dress I'm fucking mess but I...”的完全...
the greatest,love song, california, how to disappear, cinnamon girl.等等...真的是神曲,仙曲,为什么格莱美年专不能给到ldr?很疑惑格莱美的评判标准🤔,年度制作,单曲,专辑,一个都没有,格莱美的档次越来越低了😛
normanfking rockwell
Norman Fucking Rockwell (stylized as Norman Fucking Rockwell!) is the upcoming sixth studio album by American singer Lana Del Rey, set to be released on August 30, 2019. The first single from the album, "Mariners Apartment Complex", was released on Sept...