Red Door / Conversation Piece 短评

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  • 0 cøsmic 2020-06-25 18:37:27

    conversation piece<3

  • 0 PredatoryWasp 2025-01-31 01:25:51 辽宁

    5/5完完全全的五星单曲,真的太爱conversation piece了

  • 0 PortaBubbleJoe 2019-08-24 22:19:17

    她的loose track旋律做得总是比正专好,哈哈。

  • 0 skullcrusher 2023-04-04 05:20:04 云南

    4 13

  • 1 Readdnew 2021-12-22 13:47:34

    「So do you think when I die I'd get a second try? To do everything right I couldn't the first time?」娓娓道来的guitar riff过渡到outro部分的小提琴,太妙了! BTW昨天看到一个对Julien很中肯的评价:like a character thousand pages long, and a flower blooms in the slowest motion!! Julien是一个story teller,是一名布道者。她要讲述的事情远比你听到的多。你得听,还得细听,然后把它嚼碎了,再慢慢地品!

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