"You know it's one thing to screw up your own life, but you also screwed up your sister's. Let this be a lesson to you, say 'no to drugs.'"
“Cigarettes killed my father and raped my mother.” --- Family Guy
"You think I don't appreciate art.
You think I don't understand
fashion. You think I'm not hip.
You think I'm pathetic. A nerd.
A lard-ass fatso. You think I'm shit. Well, you're wrong.
'Cause I'm champagne. And you're shit! And till the day you die..." --- Happiness
“Whatcha selling? Reefer? Crack? Smack? Horse? X? Shrooms? Dust? Meth? In my neighborhood? I don't think so!" --- Family Guy
”Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?
Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!
Kreese: Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?
Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!
Kreese: Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?
Karate Class: NO, SENSEI!“ --- The Karate Kid
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