The Rebirth is a testament to the rebirth of a new Bobby Valentino within his music - personal growth, trials, and tribulations in his career and the quest to conquer the balance of personal relationships. Featuring appearances by Rapahel Saadiq, Lil Wayne, & Timbaland - this is guaranteed to be one of the best R&B albums of the year!
0 有用 Dr.LJ 2009-02-08 14:12:33
0 有用 Tekie 2019-04-20 21:25:18
[Hands On Me]
1 有用 Ernesto 2020-06-15 13:03:48
0 有用 Kane Push 2020-12-13 00:29:24
6.5 | Cut: Make You The Only One
0 有用 Vinci·Hsiao 2018-12-21 17:34:41
十年如一日的唱着我最喜欢的RNB,3 is the new 2也太好听了吧!!!!!!!
0 有用 Kane Push 2020-12-13 00:29:24
6.5 | Cut: Make You The Only One
0 有用 千姿百态 2022-02-12 21:19:56
0 有用 Dr.LJ 2009-02-08 14:12:33
1 有用 Ernesto 2020-06-15 13:03:48
0 有用 。 2012-07-01 20:07:13
之前只在和其他歌手的合作中听过他唱歌、今天听唱片 感觉是明显的缺乏包装。做了一堆可以快进也可以往下听的歌堆进个人专辑(而不是Mixtape)、气质不错却做这么个山寨封面……听着都不容易