Hearken ye pirates and black-hearted sea dogs. Nox Arcana beckons ye to set sail upon the haunted seas where ghost ships prowl the misty dead of night and ancient treasure lies buried far below the endless waves. This epic soundscape explores the mysteries of the deep with dynamic orchestrations, ghostly melodies, pirate anthems and gothic choirs. Aye, and legend tells ...(展开全部) Hearken ye pirates and black-hearted sea dogs. Nox Arcana beckons ye to set sail upon the haunted seas where ghost ships prowl the misty dead of night and ancient treasure lies buried far below the endless waves. This epic soundscape explores the mysteries of the deep with dynamic orchestrations, ghostly melodies, pirate anthems and gothic choirs. Aye, and legend tells that this CD holds clues to finding the Lost Treasure of the Tempest. (21 tracks. 68 mins.)
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Dead Men Tell No Tales
The High Seas
Edge of the World
The Gallows Jig
Racing the Wind
Siren's Call
Trove Island
Against the Storm
Lords of the Deep
Out of the Mist
Still Waters
Black Sails
Fate of the Tempest
The Fog Rolls In
Widow's Harbor
Ghost Ship
Skull and Crossbones
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0 有用 Aislinn 2024-12-05 02:12:08 湖南
+ 有几首是不是以前就有?
0 有用 madrid 2009-09-08 23:26:04
0 有用 DrAcuLa 2009-09-16 17:43:04
Pirate lore and stories of ghost ships
0 有用 Golgatha 2020-03-08 13:34:08
完美契合封面… 永不见天日的黑海上远行的幽灵船 不是我喜欢的类型 满分因为实在做得太好了。
0 有用 Mr.Chaos 2009-03-08 02:35:02
0 有用 DrAcuLa 2009-09-16 17:43:04
Pirate lore and stories of ghost ships
0 有用 Aislinn 2024-12-05 02:12:08 湖南
+ 有几首是不是以前就有?
0 有用 madrid 2009-09-08 23:26:04
0 有用 Golgatha 2020-03-08 13:34:08
完美契合封面… 永不见天日的黑海上远行的幽灵船 不是我喜欢的类型 满分因为实在做得太好了。
0 有用 Mr.Chaos 2009-03-08 02:35:02