The long-awaited fourth full-length by Föllakzoid isn’t merely a recalibration for the band. It is a multidimensional reconsideration of what the process of songwriting, performance, and creating a work of recorded music can be. Föllakzoid grows via depuration, aiming with each record to fill longer spaces of time with fewer and fewer elements. The creative perspective ...(展开全部) The long-awaited fourth full-length by Föllakzoid isn’t merely a recalibration for the band. It is a multidimensional reconsideration of what the process of songwriting, performance, and creating a work of recorded music can be. Föllakzoid grows via depuration, aiming with each record to fill longer spaces of time with fewer and fewer elements. The creative perspective of the band has always been about unlearning the narrative and musical knowledge that shape the physical and digital formats and conceptions available, both visually and musically in order to make a time-space metric structure that dissolves both the author and the narrative paradigms. “We found our sonic and metric identity even more in these songs than in our previous attempts,” guitarist/singer Domingæ Garcia-Huidobro explains. Unlike past Föllakzoid records, that were done in single takes with the full band, this record took three months to construct out of more than 60 separate stems – guitars, bass, drums, synthesizers, and vocals, all recorded in isolation. Producer Atom TM, who was not present for recording, was then asked to re-organize the four sequences of stems without any length, structural restrictions or guidelines. Those sequences ultimately became the four long tracks that appear on I. The result of this was a set of songs where neither the band’s, nor the producer’s, structural vision primarily shaped the metric or tonal space shifts, but where both were still subliminally present in each of the parts that form the structure and the frequency modulations that guide them. “We invite you to join us in sharing the experience of being led by this non-rational, sonic artform and its energy. It is also an invitation to connect once again with your inner master and his intuition, erasing the systematic rationalization that usually follows creative forces when perceived, to guide you on this holographic simultaneous simulation where reality is rooted in,” Domingae added.
0 有用 金蛇郎君 2019-08-16 14:55:15
0 有用 阿米多特. 2021-10-20 10:30:02
0 有用 ( ```) 2022-07-06 19:32:18
0 有用 交感天使 2021-08-11 10:22:22
節奏很迷人 但是太單調了啊 @2021-08-11 10:22:22 @2022-09-19 14:35:43
0 有用 古罗马雅典男娼 2022-09-19 14:35:43 广东
節奏很迷人 但是太單調了啊 @2021-08-11 10:22:22
0 有用 jesusatan 2022-06-21 09:23:25
人味几乎抽光了,就一首曲子分了四段 整一个小时工业碾磨,我现在是怕了这种
0 有用 疯长的灌木 2019-08-16 14:46:52
0 有用 7k 2022-02-16 21:38:04
0 有用 名号已被移除 2019-10-05 17:46:03
应该是本次聊天室单曲时长最长的专辑了,每首歌都在十分钟以上。 初听Follakzoid是一年多以前了,我被拾掇着去听了这个我之前从没听说过的智利乐队。结果出乎意料的现场非常的有张力,不仅是因为很骚的主唱(雾),还因为那些经过效果器出来的,上下翻飞的音符。直接就把我爽晕了,脑子里不停地爆炸出画面,五彩的网状物以及一些几何图形。 新专对比起前几张专辑显得更内敛,没有太多扩张性的段落,但却显得格外的... 应该是本次聊天室单曲时长最长的专辑了,每首歌都在十分钟以上。 初听Follakzoid是一年多以前了,我被拾掇着去听了这个我之前从没听说过的智利乐队。结果出乎意料的现场非常的有张力,不仅是因为很骚的主唱(雾),还因为那些经过效果器出来的,上下翻飞的音符。直接就把我爽晕了,脑子里不停地爆炸出画面,五彩的网状物以及一些几何图形。 新专对比起前几张专辑显得更内敛,没有太多扩张性的段落,但却显得格外的精简,每一个配器都在点子上。可以说,相比以前,是一个脱胎换骨的变化,毕竟简单的东西更难做。 从听感上来说,更偏向噪音氛围一类而不是迷幻摇滚,就我个人口味而言我还是喜欢以前的专辑哈哈哈哈。 个人觉得这张专辑可以当作是一组声音艺术来欣赏,也很期待会有中国新专巡演,到时候配上视觉一定会是一场头脑高潮。 (展开)
0 有用 Bienvenu 2019-11-10 20:49:56