FKJ playing an exclusive live set in world's largest salt flat Salar de Uyuni for Cercle. Subscribe our channel for more videos: ☞ FKJ ____ Video credits: Artist: FKJ Venue: Salar de Uyuni Produced by Cercle Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla<...(展开全部) FKJ playing an exclusive live set in world's largest salt flat Salar de Uyuni for Cercle. Subscribe our channel for more videos: ☞ FKJ ____ Video credits: Artist: FKJ Venue: Salar de Uyuni Produced by Cercle Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla Directors of photography: Mathieu Glissant Sound engineer: Laurent de Boisgisson & Thomas Cooksey Assisted by: Aurélien Moisan Sound mastering: Laurent de Boisgisson Drone: Alexis Olas __ Special thanks to Terra Andina, Conacine, French Embassy in Bolivia, French Alliance in Bolivia & Live Buzz for all their support. This performance has been recorded live. ______ Follow us on Interview: Derek (Cercle): − So, I’m a bit moved because what we just experienced was incredible, but I wanted to ask how it felt to be playing in the middle of this natural landscape and not in front of people as you’re used to? Vincent (FKJ): − Well, there was a lot less pressure, less expectations, − I didn’t see the reaction of the people in front of me that I usually interpret in a good or a bad way, sometimes I do interpret their reaction the right way but sometimes it completely wrong, in the end it’s all in my head but here there’s no audience so I’m by myself, I’m a bit like in my room except that have something incredible in front of me so it was easier to adventure myself in unknown territories… Derek (Cercle): − You lost yourself in your music tonight? Vincent (FKJ): − I was Lost Derek (Cercle): − It was really incredible. − There are a lot of people that have been asking questions online but I will start with one which I believe was asked by Emero: How were you inspired by Bolivia and this specific location ? Vincent (FKJ): − Well exactly, the inspiration came from the location. − Here I didn’t want the location to be just a background to my music but my music to be the soundtrack of the location. − That’s why I didn’t play many of my songs, I played a few that I thought worked well with this location but for the rest I was just looking around and being inspired by this place, by the nature around Derek (Cercle): − It’s true that I heard many tunes that I didn’t know so there were a lot of unreleased. Vincent (FKJ): − It wasn’t even unreleased. Derek (Cercle): − They were never released. Vincent (FKJ): − Yeah, they were not unreleased, probably will never be released Derek (Cercle): − Well we were privileged to hear them. Derek (Cercle): − Often the themes that we find in your tracks are the skyline and the notion of going home: Why those two themes? What inspires you in those themes? Vincent (FKJ): − The skyline is a metaphor for trying to reach your goals in life, make your dreams come true − And go back home is really about travelling − The track I don’t want to go back home that I played; I played because it made sense here, I really didn’t want to go back home, I just wanted to keep traveling here − go back home references the fact that I’m constantly traveling and that I feel good traveling Derek (Cercle): − Ok, I think we’re going to end the interview now with the mystery box which is a little gift that we are going to offer you. It’s a tradition but with all the emotions I forgot to take it with me, so someone is running to bring it − As Aurelien arrives I wanted to thank you for this incredible live Vincent (FKJ): − Thank you for organizing all of this Derek (Cercle): − I also wanted to thank all the technical team, I think there were around 19 people involved who are really incredible people that worked really hard to prepare this show. So, a huge thank you to them because there wouldn’t have been a show without them, thank you − And here is the gift, that we offer you with a strong wind. It was made by a local shop, Lam, and is 100% Alpaga Vincent (FKJ): − I’m going to put it right away because I’m freezing. − Thank you very much guys, I had a wonderful time. I will listen to it tomorrow because I don’t know how the result sounded Derek (Cercle): − It was beautiful − Thank you, you really honored this location − Thank you to our partners whose names will appear on the screen and in the credits − Thank you for being so many of you following us as always and see you in two weeks
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0 有用 Sara 2021-03-06 20:51:13
un-freaking- believable
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BEST LIVE EVER!!! 第一次看的时候抱着手机泪洒B站 FKJ可真有你的
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un-freaking- believable