3 Rappers, 3 Nationalities, 1 Team = KNA Connected! KNA Connected consists of Kahlil, Big Naimi and AG with roots in USA, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. With 3 different cultures KNA Connected has proven that you can be Connected despite nationality & language. The common denominator for KNA Connecteds music is Hip Hop with a twist; from the latino to worldwide ...(展开全部) 3 Rappers, 3 Nationalities, 1 Team = KNA Connected! KNA Connected consists of Kahlil, Big Naimi and AG with roots in USA, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. With 3 different cultures KNA Connected has proven that you can be Connected despite nationality & language. The common denominator for KNA Connecteds music is Hip Hop with a twist; from the latino to worldwide music influences. Their musical universe is inspired by multi-cultural music. The group has worked with musicians from China, USA, Cuba, Japan, Denmark and Spain. They met on the basketball courts through a common love for the game, and they continued the cooperation through hip hop music. The base of the band is Copenhagen, Denmark. The album title is Uno which means 1, we stand together as one family. KNA Connected get their inspiration for their lyrics from their upbringing, girlfriends, friendships, fun experiences and togetherness. On the album Uno you can hear tracks like: China - KNA Connected heard a Chinese girl playing the Chinese Erhu (string instrument). The band fell for the sound and invited Winnie to visit the studio. In the intro of the song Winnie says I dont understand English, Spanish or French, but it doesnt matter because I can see everything in your eyes. Another example of KNA Connecteds musicality can be heard in the track called Fibs. For this track the guys thought it would be charming to have a little childs voice on the track and a Danish-American girl of 6 was invited to a session in the studio. The song is about lying to make your life seem better. Ironically children are experts at spotting such a type. Back When I Was is about the days when KNA Connected were kids. Remembering the childhood years you always seem to think about the good things even though there were plenty of bad times. Other titles on the album: Friendship, Beef, Western, Ah Ah Ah, Only, Revolution, Ella..
0 有用 我的理想国 2023-03-31 05:58:03 陕西
二胡神 trap
1 有用 一枚小号 2020-12-13 17:38:48
今年听到的最惊艳的歌!!!! 二胡拉的trap请直接申请国家级文化项目特殊补贴,说唱开口还是匪气十足,歌词也是直白轻佻,但是带着高原红的妹儿完全没在怕的,四两拨千斤请你走近,杀伤力更大。以为这一来一回就够顶了,没想到后面还有西班牙弹舌,后劲也是超足的。就差个重庆辣妹, 你个崽儿就是馋老娘身子!
0 有用 海男🤿 2021-01-18 15:13:20
0 有用 Mob 2020-05-22 23:08:06
0 有用 Plutonic 2018-01-26 22:25:02
1 有用 KinG羽 2009-12-18 22:13:47
1 有用 一枚小号 2020-12-13 17:38:48
今年听到的最惊艳的歌!!!! 二胡拉的trap请直接申请国家级文化项目特殊补贴,说唱开口还是匪气十足,歌词也是直白轻佻,但是带着高原红的妹儿完全没在怕的,四两拨千斤请你走近,杀伤力更大。以为这一来一回就够顶了,没想到后面还有西班牙弹舌,后劲也是超足的。就差个重庆辣妹, 你个崽儿就是馋老娘身子!
0 有用 Section90 2016-12-17 18:51:28
0 有用 Syoko 2021-01-24 20:35:26
0 有用 Mob 2020-05-22 23:08:06