I Am… Sasha Fierce的乐评 (38)
if i were a boy~~~~~speak out my mind!!!
If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll outta bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted then go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I’d kick it with who I wated And I’d never get confronted for it. Cause they’d stick up for me. If I...
如果说世界上真的有完美的女神的话 我想 除了BEYONCE真的很少有人敢这么说 或许真的在中国不是很火 可是当你了解她之后 爱上 她 似乎是再正常不过的事了 舞蹈、现场、歌声、容貌 这么多集合在一个人身上 是天的眷顾 同时也有女神的努力,那神一般的努力 而最接近她内心的就是她...
But I'm not a boy
对Beyonce音乐的接触和好感,是从If I were a boy开始. (有点out了) If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I'd be a better man. I'd listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted Cause he...
我一直在听HONESTY这首,按的单曲循环键。 确切的是,离上次这样已经九个月了。我以为自己再不会听这首歌。这是一首多么孤独无助的歌呢! 从三点到九点。眼泪和着起泡酒。发呆一整夜。 如此待了三天,最后终于醒悟:不珍惜爷的也不值得爷惦记!Roll, bitch! 从此所...
I Am... Sasha Fierce
but i am a girl
everytime i wan to be a boy,because i would never get period.i can make friends with different girls and i don,t care they may hurt me.i would never give birth to boy or girl......but i am a girl
If I were Beyonce
如果.. 女人来自火星,男人来自金星。 他们相遇时,是火将金炼成了趋近100%的纯品,还是金在火中熔化不在? Grammy Awards上,Beyonce唱着"If I were a boy,I think I could understand how to love a girl...",被她的表演触动到寒毛耸立,讶异于她已不是当年Destiny Child里...
if I were a boy
因为if I were a boy才喜欢这张专辑的,这首抒情歌觉得很难得,听到旋律和歌词总觉得在心里面产生了共鸣,用beyonce的声音演绎出来更觉得有味道。。。