Cymande's second LP is captivating enough, but perhaps too political for the masses. Still, there've been few better fusions of reggae and jazz than Second Time Round. The spirited "Anthracite" is driven by horns on the chorus, a scorching sax solo, and a titillating flute. Flautist Mike Rose continues to captivate on the oddly titled "Willie Headache," which is far too mellow to cause listeners to grab for the Tylenol. Everything is centered around Steve Scipo's bubbly bass notes, a good example being "Trevorgus," in which the beat falls between midtempo and uptempo and everything (the horns, the rhythm, the chanting vocals) complements each other as if linked by an invisible chain. The group scintillates on "Fug," a rapid-fire mover and shaker that speaks of people dying because of greed and deceit. Cymande let their dreads down on this one — emoting, getting real, and performing like there's no tomorrow. Gotta give Pablo Gonsales a bone for his constant, creative work on the congas throughout; drummer Sam Kelly stays in the background, happy with his understated role and keeping it tight. Vocalist Ray King breaks off his best lead on the tempo changing "Bird," and Joey Dee assists vocally while patting on his conga set; Peter Serreo, and Derek Gibbs sax play sparkles like champagne from beginning to end.
0 有用 用户7291490624 2020-12-10 13:02:44
0 有用 深街酒 2022-12-29 13:36:24 广西
0 有用 ZTM41 2021-03-15 10:54:13
73二专 稍显单薄
0 有用 Rigveda7 2022-10-21 18:48:41 湖南
0 有用 crascopy 2021-05-27 01:00:32
83/100 cymande应该是我在豆瓣上最早标记的团之一,当时的评价是“他们比传统放克更非洲”,后来看到自己的这条短评时总觉得这是不是当时放克听少了才得出来的结论,毕竟有大段手鼓的放克比比皆是,但今天一听还是觉得非洲的不得了,有些段落直接就用了非洲部落舞曲的快速节奏了,完全脱离放克
0 有用 Λέπροθι 2022-02-18 15:56:36
有些地方居然能听出ABB式的blues rock/southern rock的味道
0 有用 深街酒 2022-12-29 13:36:24 广西
0 有用 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝟶𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛. 2020-11-21 13:20:26
4.6 纯正
0 有用 crascopy 2021-05-27 01:00:32
83/100 cymande应该是我在豆瓣上最早标记的团之一,当时的评价是“他们比传统放克更非洲”,后来看到自己的这条短评时总觉得这是不是当时放克听少了才得出来的结论,毕竟有大段手鼓的放克比比皆是,但今天一听还是觉得非洲的不得了,有些段落直接就用了非洲部落舞曲的快速节奏了,完全脱离放克
0 有用 用户7291490624 2020-12-10 13:02:44