Live at the Village Vanguard的乐评 (3)

豪猪 2010-06-07 14:26:33

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MOMO 2009-04-12 15:29:54

Bill Charlap Trio

多年來,比爾.夏拉普三重奏團被視為當今主流爵士樂界最佳的組合,但他們卻始終沒有正式發行自己的現場演奏,一直到這份錄音。 出生紐約市的音樂世家,現年42歲的鋼琴手夏拉普,三歲就開始彈鋼琴,至今已經在超過100張爵士專輯中彈奏過鋼琴,並被公認是當今全世界最傑出的爵士...  (展开)
rui 2023-08-03 12:08:58


Grammy award winning pianist Bill Charlap has performed with many of the leading artists of our time including Phil Woods, Tony Bennett, Gerry Mulligan, Wynton Marsalis, Freddy Cole and Houston Person.Born in New York City, Charlap began playing the piano a...  (展开)

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