The long-awaited and highly anticipated recording of Lang Lang performing Chopin's Piano Concertos nos. 1 & 2 has arrived. Both concertos are among the most beloved in the repertoire and Lang Lang's many concert performances frequently receive the highest praise. Lang Lang is joined by Zubin Mehta and the Vienna Philharmonic in a brilliant pairing of talent and temperament. T...(展开全部) The long-awaited and highly anticipated recording of Lang Lang performing Chopin's Piano Concertos nos. 1 & 2 has arrived. Both concertos are among the most beloved in the repertoire and Lang Lang's many concert performances frequently receive the highest praise. Lang Lang is joined by Zubin Mehta and the Vienna Philharmonic in a brilliant pairing of talent and temperament. This is sure to become a benchmark recording of these beloved concertos. Lang Lang has sold over 100,000 CDs in the US alone and will be on tour September to November throughout the US, including many performances of the Chopin concertos.
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I Allegro maestoso
II Romance: Larghetto
III Rondo: Vivace
I Maestoso
II Larghetto
III Allegro vivace
喜欢听"Chopin: The Piano Concertos"的人也喜欢的唱片
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lang lang同学最近也鼓捣起chopin专辑了……听了几首,感觉还挺细腻了,弹得不错,好久没听钢琴了,心想莫非lang同学的chopin能赶上yundi同学的水平了?于是又翻出yundi li同学的温习了一下,……lang同学的立马失去吸引力! 豪迈的lang同学的确是下了一大番苦功夫去感受钢琴...
0 有用 生活万岁F小二 2017-04-15 20:20:22
Concerto 2不错,1一般。
0 有用 Cupidone Bleue 2021-12-13 21:58:01
0 有用 疲沓 2008-12-20 10:20:10
0 有用 Vasary. Wong 2010-11-02 18:38:48
0 有用 萨嘎摩多熊猫桑 2009-12-21 21:27:54
0 有用 纽伦堡meme歌手 2018-11-02 08:12:15
我本是糙汉子,又不是小公举,为什么硬要我捏蕾丝手帕嘤嘤嘤 按郎桑平时的大开大合之势这个肖协其实还可以呀~
0 有用 榆杉子 2025-03-03 05:41:52 英国
3.5. 没什么毛病但也不会特地去听的那种
0 有用 村长上树 2017-04-03 07:53:26
0 有用 Vincentius. 2024-09-27 22:05:17 上海
Apple Classic上郎朗热度最高的专辑竟然是日版的这张专。我听下来感觉还是可以的,不至于七分吧。自己歌单收藏的肖协二是齐默尔曼的版本,相比之下郎朗的细节很独特,但并不是很肖邦。三方大佬合作感觉效果并没有期待中那么好。
0 有用 木葉 2022-04-07 20:18:51