这个西班牙语九件式乐团已经发布了6个专辑以来,首次公开亮相于1985年,但该乐队首次召开的,甚至更早,早在1976年。 Despite this, their UK profile remains very low indeed.Acetre live in the town of Olivenza, which is part of the Extremadura region, right next to Portugal.This accounts for a certain amount of dialect confusion,and some stray fado elements, but these are the least of thei...(展开全部) 这个西班牙语九件式乐团已经发布了6个专辑以来,首次公开亮相于1985年,但该乐队首次召开的,甚至更早,早在1976年。 Despite this, their UK profile remains very low indeed.Acetre live in the town of Olivenza, which is part of the Extremadura region, right next to Portugal.This accounts for a certain amount of dialect confusion,and some stray fado elements, but these are the least of their cultural collisions, as the Acetre sound is something of a folksy hybrid, hardly sounding Spanish at all, at least to these English ears。If it has any indigenous similarities, it's with the Galician traditional sound of the north-west, complete with pipes and accordions.The pieces are all traditional, but it's hard to discern their countries of origin, once they've been arranged by the multi-instrumentalist José Tomás Sousa. 关于Acetre: Acetre早在1976年就已在西班牙埃斯特雷马杜拉(Extremadura)组队,时间跨度长达20多年,他们是埃斯特雷马杜拉(Extremadura)地区最具代表性的民谣乐队,且如此长的音乐寿命在乐队组合中还是不大多见,不过其大部分时间用来在各地巡演,所以发布的唱片不是很多,不过最近几年潜心致力于创作,他们的创作专注在两点:提取传统音乐里的民族元素并在此基础上重新创作以适应现代文化。他们一如既往的努力创作,从传统的古民谣中收集素材然后进行整理,并在其中注入新的音乐元素。 Acetre起源自巴达霍斯(Badajoz)省的一个小镇Olivenza,由于地理上的原因,埃斯特雷马杜拉(Extremadura)和葡萄牙接壤,且在历史上此地区本就是沟通葡萄牙和西班牙文化的一座桥梁,所以此地区两种文化的互相影响。 在Acetre的音乐里除了涵盖本土的音乐元素(如: perantones、rondas、festive tunes、pindongos)外,同时也吸收葡萄牙民谣音乐(如verdegaios、fados、corridinos)的风格特点,节奏欢快明朗,让人感到西班牙民族的热情奔放,相当美妙动听的音乐。
应用国外网友的歌词解释,大致说这是首14世纪的歌,歌词写得很疯狂。。。有会西班牙语的网友看看对不对。 That's a crazy song you have there... I'd say it's probably an old Portuguese song from the 14th century or something like that (I don't know it, but judging...
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