乐队解散原因:Contemporary music has become, in a sense, "rushed." To challenge the dizzying pace of business and pop-culture we aspire to create pieces that require the listener to utilize the near-lost vir...乐队解散原因:Contemporary music has become, in a sense, "rushed." To challenge the dizzying pace of business and pop-culture we aspire to create pieces that require the listener to utilize the near-lost virtue of patience in lieu of pop's instant gratification. (展开)
原全是個陰叉陽錯的巧合 一直對於這張 CD 的封面看不起眼, 感覺原全不會是我想要的東東 只是在試聽其他歌時盡管一試 聽了有差不多十年的 Post Rock, 繼 Sigur Ros 後 很多年沒有聽過一張像 The Wink and The Gun 這樣有人聲佈局 而又令我如此印象深刻的樂隊 近年完全沉瀝於日...
重拾——评L'elan Vital《The Wink and The Gun》 上周跟朋友去看mooncake的演出,等待进场的时候他推荐了L'elan Vital的这张《The Wink and The Gun》,当时在嘈杂的人群中用他的手机听到了小提琴和恍惚的人声,就知道这是一张值得一听的专辑。L'elan Vital的资料少得可怜,...
1:这帮哥们的专辑封面一眼望去就看到了苦逼娃子的身影.. 2:简单的吉他配器加上同样凄厉苦逼的小提琴声音贯穿整张专辑.... 3:有几首歌的旋律很不错很不错,印象深刻... --------------------------- 3:还有几首歌让你想起 Explosions in the Sky,想起了顶马的像橘色天空...
0 有用 混不吝福音战士 2009-02-19 22:42:06
钢琴,木吉他,L'elan Vital的音乐没有厚实的吉他音墙,没有低沉的贝斯做奏,就是很简单的听起来很舒服的后摇,比较喜欢
0 有用 苏格 2013-02-16 01:53:24
0 有用 喷农药 2010-07-01 10:14:18
<Bullets are such small things>.
0 有用 时以星 2012-04-27 00:52:00
8 有用 泠风 2010-12-07 10:11:01
乐队解散原因:Contemporary music has become, in a sense, "rushed." To challenge the dizzying pace of business and pop-culture we aspire to create pieces that require the listener to utilize the near-lost vir... 乐队解散原因:Contemporary music has become, in a sense, "rushed." To challenge the dizzying pace of business and pop-culture we aspire to create pieces that require the listener to utilize the near-lost virtue of patience in lieu of pop's instant gratification. (展开)
0 有用 DrownWithMe 2022-12-07 20:23:51 广东
0 有用 JoJoLa 2023-10-01 10:38:40 河北
Trying is the 1st Step Towards Failure
0 有用 卡纳银波 2023-06-23 17:03:48 北京
0 有用 查尔斯公主 2024-08-23 17:38:03 英国
0 有用 φc 2022-11-22 10:31:16 湖南
Thank You Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov