Start from Here的乐评 (4)

Sasha 2009-02-01 13:37:44

Let's start from here

透露着一种淡淡的忧伤 她的声音犹如一缕咖啡香味 穿梭在空气中 若即若离 欧式的花园建筑 温暖明媚的午后阳光 纯正的英伦红茶 一个人的世界 是搭配joanna的最佳伴侣 让我们一起 start from here....  (展开)
Rui 2009-12-04 11:33:07


第一次听到 就爱上她的声音 柔软而厚重,仿佛干涸的心灵一杯温热香浓的奶茶 。。。 我们终于也有了这样优秀的歌者。。。  (展开)
一只会思考的猪 2008-07-11 11:53:35

The best voice for 2008 up to now

Maybe this is the album that brings me the most surprise this year up to now. Wong's voice is different, lazy, sexy and with raucity. And music style is a kind of mixture of Jazz and pop, which is my rarely seen in Mainland. Jazz makes me relaxe and just w...  (展开)

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