My Mirror, oh My Mirror
My mirror, oh my mirror, I will tell you my story
Tell me who I am
You are me, and I am you, no matter how big you grow to be and no matter how much you change
In my eyes you are still six, oh my mirror
I'm going to tell you my story
Tell me I am the fairest of them all
And the most sensual/feminine of them all
Look and tell me what it is you see, oh my mirror
I'm going to tell you my story
Tell me why
My hair is not blonde
My hips are not small
And my lips are not full, oh my mirror
I will tell you my story
Tell me how
I can make it smaller
Or how to be beautiful in make-up
With my party dress, oh my mirror
Tell me who I am
You are me, and I am you, no matter how big you grow to be and no matter how much you change
In my eyes you are still six, oh my mirror
Tell me who I am
Tell me who I am
Oh my mirror, oh my mirror, oh my mirror
From: http://lyricstranslate.com
诡异优美的Mreyte ya mreyte - 歌词英文翻译
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Succar Ya Banat 那首歌 真是太好听了 http://www....(一枚散仙)
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