Keiji Haino is a Japanese musician and singer-songwriter whose work has included rock, free improvisation, noise music, percussion, psychedelic music, minimalism and drone music. He has been active since the 1970s and continues to record regularly and in new styles.
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Disc One - Concert From The Genyasai Festival
Lost Aaraaff 叫喚地獄 (Hell Of Screams) (29:02)
Lost Aaraaff 最後の審判 (The Lost Judgement) (29:11)
Disc Two - Suite Reverberation: The Third Heart
Keiji Haino 突き出された七つめの心臓 (The Seventh Heart Projected) (1:37)
Keiji Haino 聖獣の恥じらい (Blushes Of The Holy Beast) (8:14)
Keiji Haino 霞んでゆく君が居たというこの時間と香り (Dimming, The Time And Scent Where Once You Were) (5:12)
Keiji Haino この憂鬱な一言はいずこから (From Whence This Melancholy Word?) (0:51)
Keiji Haino 忘れ去られてゆく輝いた孤独 (Glittered Solitude Fades From Memory) (12:33)
Keiji Haino まだ輝いた孤独が関係性を保っていた頃 (When Glittered Solitude Still Preserved The Connectedness) (3:07)
Keiji Haino 今にも消え入らんとする我が実体 (Even Now My Being Attempts To Vanish) (1:14)
Keiji Haino これほど染みついてしまっている懐疑性をいたわることのできるのは君かな?(Are You The One? The One Who Can Console Skepticism Stained This Deep) (1:31)
Keiji Haino 溢れ出た優しさという種族の残党 (The Remnants Of A Tribe Called "Tenderness Overflowed") (2:06)
Keiji Haino 我が故郷,灰色の太陽が昇る地を訪ねたとき (When I Visited My Home, The Land Where A Gray Sun Rises) (5:34)
Keiji Haino 地底の神々と美意識の密約 (The Secret Pact Between Beauty-Awareness And The Gods Of The Underworld) (10:47)
Keiji Haino さらにさらに黄昏の中に (Further, Further Into The Twilight) (2:26)
Disc 3 - Suite Reverberation: Forest Of Spirits
Keiji Haino 組曲言霊~第一楽章:まばらになってゆく自分自身の記憶を追いゆく言霊 (1st Movement: The Reverberation That Pursues Its Own Growing Sparse Memories) (23:42)
Keiji Haino 同~第二楽章:下界に色彩を感じ始めている言霊 (2nd Movement: The Reverberation That Becomes Aware Of Colours In This World) (16:41)
Keiji Haino 同~第三楽章:水の中に滲みたいと望む言霊 (3rd Movement: The Reverberation That Wishes To Blur In Water) (6:35)
Keiji Haino 同~第四楽章:すべての力を自分自身の中に取り戻そうとする言霊 (4th Movement: The Reverberation That Attempts To Take Back All Energy Into Itself) (26:36)
Disc 4 - Untitled
Fushitsusha 無駄ということと1×1=?という認識の決戦 (The Decisive Battle Between That Called "Futility" And The Understanding That "1x1=?") (13:50)
Fushitsusha 滴り落ちる一粒の神経 (A Drop Of Nerves Falls) (8:07)
Fushitsusha 浴びせかけられた誉れなる屈辱の部屋で… (In A Room Where I Am Showered With Honoring Insults) (28:43)
Fushitsusha 今があるだけ~ここに居る~あいつは生きている~みんな同じ (All There Is Is Now - Being Here - He Lives - Everyone The Same) (17:17)
0 有用 парк 2019-07-26 02:18:09
后半大部分都是家常噪音 仔细想想我觉得封面可能真是tele
0 有用 不在线🔇 2023-10-30 08:47:36 江苏
0 有用 [已注销] 2012-11-13 05:14:52
"Soul's true love"..
0 有用 庸才青年 2017-08-03 22:41:52
0 有用 ητοςouti 2017-11-16 22:15:46
1 有用 Friedmann_k<0 2020-03-11 16:51:04
0 有用 久光 2023-12-01 14:19:59 湖南
0 有用 comet 2018-07-03 23:16:44
0 有用 ητοςouti 2017-11-16 22:15:46
0 有用 幻觉灯笼 2023-01-23 17:26:12 山东