love is the seventh wave
shadows in the rain
we work the black seam
consider me gone
the dream of the blue turtles
fortress around your heart
children's crusade
love is the seventh wave
shadows in the rain
we work the black seam
consider me gone
the dream of the blue turtles
fortress around your heart
children's crusade
0 有用 three little 2020-05-01 01:40:44
3.5 love is the seventh wave Russians shadows in the rain we work the black seam consider me gone the dream of the blue turtles fortress around your heart children's crusade
0 有用 LadsClub 2022-11-20 06:36:29 美国
原专辑1985年发行 流行 摇滚 爵士 雷鬼。这就是一张风格大杂烩,sting是爵士贝斯手出身,然后警察乐队时期又碰巧玩起了雷鬼风格的摇滚,为了迎合主流市场,把旋律写的及其柔和并且歌词里探讨时事。基本把获奖流行乐的buff叠满了,电台也高兴,唱片公司也愿意打广告,人们跟风买。当然不是说这张难听,只是吹过头了
1 有用 LV 2018-10-16 15:30:04
0 有用 贝戈一横 2024-07-24 00:20:46 黑龙江
0 有用 玻璃橱窗 2019-11-24 21:54:56
1985 很棒
0 有用 21st 2023-08-20 11:52:33 重庆
0 有用 three little 2020-05-01 01:40:44
3.5 love is the seventh wave Russians shadows in the rain we work the black seam consider me gone the dream of the blue turtles fortress around your heart children's crusade
0 有用 无我之间 2024-05-21 16:23:33 北京
Let's Sting!从单飞后首专听起,已经颇有日后风格了,一些民族色彩、乡村风、 free jazz,主题又很宏大,曲式又很movie style,继续听~
1 有用 LV 2018-10-16 15:30:04
0 有用 太子 2022-08-28 21:20:03 北京