Beethoven Symphony No.5的乐评 (2)

CATS 2008-10-14 04:00:13


从1947年到1951年,即从解除对富特文格勒因政治因素而被禁止演出的禁令到他患病听力衰退前这段期间,大师的音乐展示出前所未有的“心”与“智”的完美结合。战时的《第五号交响曲》气势惊人,但从纯音乐角度她完全比不上柏林爱乐乐团在战后的1947年5月27日演出中的动与静,行与...  (展开)
xff515 2015-03-13 07:45:46

The Sublime

"Haydn romantically apprehends the humanity in human life; he is more congenial to the majority. Mozart takes as his province the superhuman, magical quality residing in the inner self. Beethoven’s music sets in motion the machinery of awe, of fear, of ter...  (展开)

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