Ordinary Joe :喜欢的歌词,很少去关注一首歌的歌词,印象深刻的也很少,这首就很棒,“看似自由的鸟,也只是比我稍稍自由罢了。” “如果你在生活里迷失了,没关系回来吧。”“What they think is real,Is nothing but an animated puppet show,So don't let time and space confuse you,And don...Ordinary Joe :喜欢的歌词,很少去关注一首歌的歌词,印象深刻的也很少,这首就很棒,“看似自由的鸟,也只是比我稍稍自由罢了。” “如果你在生活里迷失了,没关系回来吧。”“What they think is real,Is nothing but an animated puppet show,So don't let time and space confuse you,And don't let name and form abuse you,Well let Big Joe Williams blues you,In the light of the sun you can see how they run.”恰好我也叫Joe , 普通的乔 ,无甲的乔(展开)
2 有用 dizzymatter 2021-04-23 10:24:41
Ordinary Joe :喜欢的歌词,很少去关注一首歌的歌词,印象深刻的也很少,这首就很棒,“看似自由的鸟,也只是比我稍稍自由罢了。” “如果你在生活里迷失了,没关系回来吧。”“What they think is real,Is nothing but an animated puppet show,So don't let time and space confuse you,And don... Ordinary Joe :喜欢的歌词,很少去关注一首歌的歌词,印象深刻的也很少,这首就很棒,“看似自由的鸟,也只是比我稍稍自由罢了。” “如果你在生活里迷失了,没关系回来吧。”“What they think is real,Is nothing but an animated puppet show,So don't let time and space confuse you,And don't let name and form abuse you,Well let Big Joe Williams blues you,In the light of the sun you can see how they run.”恰好我也叫Joe , 普通的乔 ,无甲的乔 (展开)
0 有用 Deadwood 2010-06-22 22:03:56
Lean On Me就出自于此, 仅一首都值
1 有用 helterskelter 2021-02-28 17:30:39
0 有用 Ocean Heaven 2023-07-18 21:57:40 广西
2 有用 馬辛貽 2021-11-19 13:20:40
如同布道一般。Terry Callier是当世少少少数对音乐还报有宗教般的信仰的人,信仰音乐如良药、爱、从胸口涌出的暖意,足以抚慰孤独、痛苦和分歧。所以才动人,不管你信不信他的上帝。
0 有用 银钩铁画 2022-07-28 18:06:07
9.2/10。 萨克斯,女声太美了。
0 有用 crascopy 2022-03-20 21:56:37
83/100 感觉这张加soul加的有点破坏仙气,不过算是一次音乐上的升级了 到下张全面成熟
0 有用 。 2022-01-06 00:11:33
Ordinary Joe
0 有用 ZXT 2023-05-27 21:09:50 北京
Soul folk
0 有用 木木木 2023-06-16 22:29:29 广东
Ordinary Joe