EMEGO 259 Caterina Barbieri is an Italian composer who explores themes related to machine intelligence and object oriented perception in sound through a focus on minimalism. Following 2017’s acclaimed 2LP “Patterns of Consciousness”, “Ecstatic Computation” is the new full-length LP by Caterina Barbieri. The album revolves around the creative use of complex sequenc...(展开全部) EMEGO 259 Caterina Barbieri is an Italian composer who explores themes related to machine intelligence and object oriented perception in sound through a focus on minimalism. Following 2017’s acclaimed 2LP “Patterns of Consciousness”, “Ecstatic Computation” is the new full-length LP by Caterina Barbieri. The album revolves around the creative use of complex sequencing techniques and pattern-based operations to explore the artefacts of human perception and memory processes by ultimately inducing a sense of ecstasy and contemplation. Computation is turned from being a formal, automatic writing technique into a creative, psychedelic practice to generate temporal hallucinations. A state of trance and wonder where the perception of time is distorted and challenged. Equally nervous and ecstatic, the fast permutation of patterns can create a state where time stands still whilst simultaneously being in motion. Is this propulsive music moving forward or backward? As long as the perception of the present is constantly enhanced and refreshed in an endless sense of loss, re-discovery and the search for self-orientation this question lies mute aside the thrilling and perplexing moment of the matter at hand.
0 有用 不在线学徒 2022-02-16 17:21:15
4 有用 老润干生妈 2019-05-17 22:24:54
收回之前的差评 她的音乐可以说是极端理性和极具数学感的 往往由一个细微的动机在不同的程式下 排列 组合 循环 复变 最终演化为一个浩瀚无垠的空间 双手操控modular synth的音乐家在此刻成为了音乐世界里的女娲 换句话说 众生又何尝不是一个个独立扭曲而相似的Arpeggio 她的作品传承了经典minimalism 又在这个基础上拓展了自己的疆域 ——Schöpfungsmusik
0 有用 金蛇郎君 2019-05-21 10:08:45
0 有用 ≈ 2020-01-30 13:53:53
(82) 兼具未来感,空间感与数字感。Fantas描绘了一副遨游宇宙的清晰图景,氛围部分极其浩瀚,合成器的打磨也十分精细,非常工整的实验氛围作品。
0 有用 Eyes2theWind 2019-12-11 02:00:24
7.5 周全精密
1 有用 crascopy 2021-06-07 06:40:25
79/100 梦回太空流行时代,合成器音色之海
0 有用 不在线学徒 2022-02-16 17:21:15
0 有用 視力低下.com 2023-08-12 07:02:43 河南
0 有用 美丽性感无极限 2022-05-01 16:41:48
0 有用 Unseen Worlds 2023-07-17 21:27:08 四川