"I've been asked to do a blues album for the last 30 years," says Malmsteen. "And this time I finally said, 'Sure, why not? Let's try it!' I just didn't want to be stuck in the standard, pentatonic, play a 12-bar thing. I didn't want to do that." 不过最近这段现场一言难尽
0 有用 溪夜 2019-06-11 03:00:20
"I've been asked to do a blues album for the last 30 years," says Malmsteen. "And this time I finally said, 'Sure, why not? Let's try it!' I just didn't want to be stuck in the standard, pentatonic, play a 12-bar thing. I didn't want to do that." 不过最近这段现场一言难尽
0 有用 givoLtaqe 曾经 2019-03-29 04:38:02
0 有用 柠檬狂人fx5700 2021-05-14 21:22:23
0 有用 Yoo 2019-04-17 22:05:08
0 有用 太阳的倒影 2019-07-09 20:27:37
0 有用 芮角 2019-03-30 23:43:02
0 有用 薯片狂人fx5700 2022-06-21 09:58:55
英格威式的布鲁斯hhhh @2021-05-14 21:22:23
0 有用 不在 2019-04-02 23:45:47
0 有用 陈伪摇滚 2019-10-28 08:34:26
高傲的 Neo Classic 王子玩起了 Blues Rock…(我们熟悉的手僻依旧没有缺席)
0 有用 豆瓣还没关门呢 2020-10-17 19:19:49
0 有用 初夏 2019-04-15 18:29:08
0 有用 Lily 2019-07-19 20:01:16
情结分 4星 大师真的老了