thank u, next的乐评 (25)
这张专辑争议还是很大,只能说她目前的专辑都是一半工业流行曲目,还有一半属于她复古女伶人格的自我展现。 安娜姐真的很爱复古调调。 我想说,这也许是她迄今为止最好的一张个人专辑。 完全展现了个人生活的私人化变故的同时,依然做出了《7 Rings》这种商业成绩非常好的爆曲...
thank u next
「thank u, next」is the upcoming fifth studio album by American singer Ariana Grande, set to be released by Republic Records on February 8 , 2019. Its title track was released as the album's lead single on November 3, 2018, with the second single "7 Rings" ...
在10年代diva厮杀中,百老汇出身的Ariana不算天赋异禀,甚至第一眼看上去没有太多偶像的记忆点;她硬生生闯出了一条路,sweetner之后,Thank u next算是一张真正做出概念和独立音乐人格的A妹集大成之作 最惊喜的是编曲,Ari在电音和流行的融合中,精炼出诸多的记忆点;歌词是个...
Ariana-Emerging Pop Princess
Undoubtedly, Ariana’s best album is Yours Truly, to be honest, her vocal ability is stratospherically incredible in Honeymoon Avenue, while this album is entitled to be her third best because dangerous woman outperformed with heartfelt music Moonlight. Tha...