施教日 . 暗夜微光 - 光之三部曲 全新概念EP. Ritual Day will release a brand new concept EP “Weak Light In Silence” with three songs forming a trilogy about light: “Elegy Of Twilight”, “Weak Light Of Silence” and “Blood Shed Dawn”. 三首曲目分别名为 暮光挽歌 暗夜微光 血影寒光 以充满臆想的具象叙事体歌词描述了主唱农永脑中从黄昏直到黎明,从诞生到毁灭,光明与黑暗交织的晦涩想象。音乐元素上不拘一格,以传统黑暗金属为基调,融合多种金属乐元素,以及传统民族乐器-琵琶与女高音演唱,以清晰的高辨识度旋律线营造出了别具特色的东方黑...(展开全部) 施教日 . 暗夜微光 - 光之三部曲 全新概念EP. Ritual Day will release a brand new concept EP “Weak Light In Silence” with three songs forming a trilogy about light: “Elegy Of Twilight”, “Weak Light Of Silence” and “Blood Shed Dawn”. 三首曲目分别名为 暮光挽歌 暗夜微光 血影寒光 以充满臆想的具象叙事体歌词描述了主唱农永脑中从黄昏直到黎明,从诞生到毁灭,光明与黑暗交织的晦涩想象。音乐元素上不拘一格,以传统黑暗金属为基调,融合多种金属乐元素,以及传统民族乐器-琵琶与女高音演唱,以清晰的高辨识度旋律线营造出了别具特色的东方黑暗金属世界。 In his concrete descriptive style lyrics rich on conjectures, Frontman Nong Yong illustrated the obscure imaginations in his head interwoven between dusk and dawn, creation and destruction, light and gloom. The applied music elements are footed on the traditions of black metal and yet are not limited in styles of expression as a complex of diverse metal styles with blend-in traditional Chinese music instrumentation and soprano – a depiction of an oriental realm of black metal in melodies of highly recognizable characteristic. 光与暗,升与堕是永恒的敌人 ;他们的战争,与时间同寿,此消彼长,无穷无尽。狡黠的屠夫-施教日用最锋利的刃将新作残忍地劈为两半,一半在微光中升华,另一半则弃在黑暗中堕入无边的炼狱。天堂般辉煌的美音,暗夜中独泣的木之声,雷神催动的战鼓,北地萦绕千年的悲鸣哀嚎如岩浆般喷涌而出! 重构荒芜地表上的一切突兀。 Light and gloom, rise and fall - eternal enemies, their constant war lasts as long as time being, counteracting against each other’s strength, inexhaustibly. Crafty slaughterer – Ritual Day uses the sharpest blade to chop the new output into two pieces, one half sublimating in weak light, the other half in gloom falling into the endless abyss. Heavenly glorious sound of beauty; the cry of dead wood in the solitude of the nightly gloom, gods of thunder thrashing the war drums, unleashing the lamentation haunting the north lands in a sudden burst, reshaping everything on desolated grounds. 来,一起在冬霾中就着血与泪水干下这杯毒鸩,愿耳膜与心灵一同在磨砺中撕裂变异;沉沦, 下旋 直到那光芒将我们带走! Come, let’s drink up this poisonous elixir with blood and tears before the coming of winter haze. Let ears and soul altogether be torn in the sonic grind. Downfall underspin until we are sent off by the light.
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