As summer officially arrived, I found myself driving in California with wind in my hair when listening to it. The very first word of the song just made me wanna cry. Half dreamy half real, VB gives me...As summer officially arrived, I found myself driving in California with wind in my hair when listening to it. The very first word of the song just made me wanna cry. Half dreamy half real, VB gives me a feeling that summer will fade away eventually, but plz just let me drive alone for nothing for ten minutes. Let me end my summer in this way.(展开)
Lana Del Rey(以下简称打雷)在9月21日发布了新歌《Venice Bitch》。这首长达9分36秒的歌由Jack Antonoff操刀。这首歌在开头就像她标志性的那些抒情曲一样,有着梦境般的民谣氛围。不同之处就在于,在不到三分钟的歌曲之后,人声在电吉他与合成器的交融中变成了背景中隐约的呢...
(简评写不完 自用 很烂 别看) This is Lana’s world, we’re just living in it. 超暴力在我心中当然是她最好的专辑 其中最好的就是前五首 每首都很长 但奇怪的是你就跟着她所营造的氛围 她所哼唱的旋律一直走了下去 一曲终了才反应过来竟然这么长时间过了啊 Venice Bitch也...
前几天在图书馆摸鱼,又播放到这首歌,听得我忍不住浑身颤抖。前奏是夏日民谣的呢喃呓语,电吉他的加入又增添了几分梦境色彩,让人宛如置身亦真亦幻的白热之中。随后,Lana耳语一般轻轻吟唱着这曲夏日恋歌,无论是“Fresh out of fucks forever”“Calling out, bang bang, kis...
20 有用 DeerColin 2018-09-28 16:50:31
It's me,your little Chinese bitch!
53 有用 倉鼠 2018-09-20 14:47:00
10 有用 密谋小和弦 2018-11-30 12:48:51
她的声音缓慢的在电子音效以及电吉他琶音里来回闪烁,包括吉他失真对应到嘶哑的vocal,都太完美了。歌曲的结构很难被分解,整体如史诗般庞大,给你带来的更多是喜悦而不是被悲伤所触动,比love更加的“爱” 与无忧无虑的快乐。
0 有用 吴花果 2018-12-27 21:13:15
26 有用 IDKAboutYou 2018-09-23 23:28:50
A(93)“progressive dream-pop”这个形容词太完美了
0 有用 Labyrinth 2024-06-27 17:13:21 北京
As summer officially arrived, I found myself driving in California with wind in my hair when listening to it. The very first word of the song just made me wanna cry. Half dreamy half real, VB gives me... As summer officially arrived, I found myself driving in California with wind in my hair when listening to it. The very first word of the song just made me wanna cry. Half dreamy half real, VB gives me a feeling that summer will fade away eventually, but plz just let me drive alone for nothing for ten minutes. Let me end my summer in this way. (展开)
0 有用 Eme 2024-11-07 17:06:23 北京
0 有用 Sólarfrí 2024-09-28 23:09:51 重庆
0 有用 Cloudbusting 2024-07-09 14:03:53 中国香港
0 有用 TearsRicochet 2024-10-26 08:51:29 美国