繼去年推出首張專輯《Unnatural Objects and Their Humans》之後,DAVID BORING 於2018年推出細碟《Victims》。《Victims》EP是《Unnatural Objects...》三大主軸之一 ---「Their Humans」的一個延伸。三首歌,三種獨特的經歷和遭遇,以微觀的角度去探討「我」是如何被邊緣化,成為荒謬社會下的「受害者」。 〈Victims〉一曲敘述一群行動者的心路歷程;縱有崇高的抱負,在事與願違之時他們卻選擇了互相責難,自我憐憫,最終淪為自己心魔的奴隸,難逃潰敗的宿命。〈Victim#1〉則是一段私密的告白;在歷盡傷痛、焦慮、失望,以至絕望後,要在這一片虛無中求存,就只能以麻木和壓抑去包裹著自己。〈Victim#2〉審視「正常」社會中不能容納的反社會傾向,一種以激烈反...(展开全部) 繼去年推出首張專輯《Unnatural Objects and Their Humans》之後,DAVID BORING 於2018年推出細碟《Victims》。《Victims》EP是《Unnatural Objects...》三大主軸之一 ---「Their Humans」的一個延伸。三首歌,三種獨特的經歷和遭遇,以微觀的角度去探討「我」是如何被邊緣化,成為荒謬社會下的「受害者」。 〈Victims〉一曲敘述一群行動者的心路歷程;縱有崇高的抱負,在事與願違之時他們卻選擇了互相責難,自我憐憫,最終淪為自己心魔的奴隸,難逃潰敗的宿命。〈Victim#1〉則是一段私密的告白;在歷盡傷痛、焦慮、失望,以至絕望後,要在這一片虛無中求存,就只能以麻木和壓抑去包裹著自己。〈Victim#2〉審視「正常」社會中不能容納的反社會傾向,一種以激烈反抗作為保護自己的機制;當虛偽、庸碌、腐敗成為常態,你的煉獄就正正是你身邊的所有人... 荒謬儼然是現代都市的新法則,越是清醒的人越只能把自己推向極端。 這張EP的製作找來在香港大隱隱於市的噪音樂隊 Ex-Punishment 結他手 Nic 負責錄音和混音,並以現場錄音的方式錄製〈Victim#1〉和〈#2〉。而實體發行則與香港獨立唱片廠牌 Sweaty & Cramped 聯手以限量7吋黑膠唱片形式推出。 DAVID BORING followed up their 2017 debut album <<Unnatural Objects and Their Humans>> with <<Victims>> EP. <<Victims>> can be seen as an extended footnote to the arc [...Their Humans]. Through the three unique protagonists, we see from their first person perspectives how they fall victim to a certain aspect of the society / their own personal turmoil. <Victims> serves as a cautionary tale depicting a lesson that was somehow repeated throughout history, but was never learnt. From recent global events, to something much closer to home, <Victims> documents the personal journeys of those who took part in grand noble movements, and how ill-prepared they were when things fall into a downward spiral and the consequential development of their personal demons. <Victim#1> examines the sad tale of surviving the modern world through self-oppression, through the protagonist’s own private moment of unwinding - soaking in the luxury of being overwhelmed by sorrow, anxiety and exhaustion, before pushing himself back into a cold, hard and functional shell. <Vicitm#2> addresses the roots of anti-social behaviours, which the protagonist establishes to protect himself. The personal transgression was triggered and made necessary by the inane daily hypocrisy, idiocy and corruption of which the protagonist refuses to endure. The track can be read as a negatively inspirational piece - how to stay sane when hell is other people. <<Victims>> was recorded and mixed by Nic Wong, guitarist and sound engineer of Hong Kong’s best kept secret Ex-Punishment, which <Victim#1> and <#2> were recorded in a live take. The EP was also released physically on a limited 7” lathe-cut record with Hong Kong DIY label Sweaty and Cramped.
0 有用 她是黯淡星 2018-10-13 15:35:51
0 有用 SiuFong404 2024-04-13 16:12:46 广东
0 有用 影山茂夫 2018-12-30 04:48:11
0 有用 sdhjb 2018-07-01 22:18:29
you cry and cry like you are never loved
1 有用 spacekrill 2020-01-20 19:55:54
1 有用 spacekrill 2020-01-20 19:55:54
0 有用 SiuFong404 2024-04-13 16:12:46 广东
0 有用 她是黯淡星 2018-10-13 15:35:51
0 有用 sdhjb 2018-07-01 22:18:29
you cry and cry like you are never loved
0 有用 夺铎堕 2019-03-13 13:10:20