Neko Case’s ‘Hell-On,’ an indelible collection of colorful, enigmatic storytelling that features some of her most daring, through-composed arrangements to date, is available now. Produced by Neko Case, ‘Hell-On’ is simultaneously her most accessible and most challenging album, in a rich and varied career that’s offered plenty of both. ‘Hell-On’ is rife with withering se...(展开全部) Neko Case’s ‘Hell-On,’ an indelible collection of colorful, enigmatic storytelling that features some of her most daring, through-composed arrangements to date, is available now. Produced by Neko Case, ‘Hell-On’ is simultaneously her most accessible and most challenging album, in a rich and varied career that’s offered plenty of both. ‘Hell-On’ is rife with withering self-critique, muted reflection, anthemic affirmation and Neko’s unique poetic sensibility. Neko enlisted Bjorn Yttling of (Peter Bjorn & John) to co-produce 6 tracks with her in Stockholm, Sweden where she mixed the 12 track album with Lasse Martin. ‘Hell-On’ features performances by Beth Ditto, Mark Lanegan, k.d. Lang, AC Newman, Eric Bachmann, Kelly Hogan, Doug Gillard, Laura Veirs, Joey Burns and many more.
5 有用 tlmgt 2018-06-04 20:56:52
0 有用 LV 2019-01-16 10:44:53
这首Hell-on就不错哦 :D
0 有用 苏兰朵 2019-06-28 11:25:19
3 有用 李还乱 2018-06-09 09:42:36
B+ 我承认她spacey的吉他效果、速度感的beat足以整饬歌曲的跨度—从碎碎念的duo迅即跳到稀松平常的村摇,以及其他一些稍显突兀的旋律段—她总归是好听的旋律则勉勉强强容下lyrics的无韵律,但这一晦涩正如她苦心经营的生态女性主义,可以做得更精辟。(bad luck)
0 有用 好大的棉花糖 2019-02-28 00:29:11
0 有用 liz16 2020-09-04 19:29:12
B** 有些歌曲的旋律衔接实在是突兀 cut:Hell-On,Bad Luck,Curse of the I-5 Corridor
0 有用 sergeli 2020-11-20 20:52:42
0 有用 Frasier 2022-07-18 15:59:09
0 有用 小伦 2020-07-16 08:09:01
乐器真的很丰富,词真的很难理解,编曲很多处突然的跳转不很悦耳,不过也是为了氛围刻意为之 cut5.12
0 有用 Yome 2020-12-29 13:15:11
4.5 我覺得除了封面 沒啥挑的了