The word "Lifthrasireon" is a symbiosis of "Lifthrasir" and "Aeon". According to the Edda, Lifthrasir is the father of the coming race, which will rise after the Ragnarök, the twilight of the gods. "Aeon" is a Greek word and means "age".
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Exposition - Das Aeon des Lifthrasir 02:23
Ictus Dolorosus 07:45
De Swartkleden 09:06
Hyperborean Heritage 06:15
Morgendämmerung des Neuaeonischen Menschentums 05:17
0 有用 墨鱼崽|执迷不悟小世界 。 2009-09-29 16:39:22
0 有用 KawaiiUser@End 2009-03-01 23:15:02
太好听了。太好听 了。刚刚在王国载下来。给兄弟门分享下。好爽的民摇黑
0 有用 KawaiiUser@End 2009-03-01 23:15:02
太好听了。太好听 了。刚刚在王国载下来。给兄弟门分享下。好爽的民摇黑
0 有用 墨鱼崽|执迷不悟小世界 。 2009-09-29 16:39:22