It's a fairly good bet you won't hear another record like Bahamut any time soon -- because there isn't one. Hazmat Modine tap into the deepest veins of raw, unpolluted prewar blues and ancient jazz, then whip them up in a blender, tossing in strains of Caribbean calypso and ska, Eastern European klezmer and Balkan brass, Middle Eastern mystery, and more than a few unidentifia...(展开全部) It's a fairly good bet you won't hear another record like Bahamut any time soon -- because there isn't one. Hazmat Modine tap into the deepest veins of raw, unpolluted prewar blues and ancient jazz, then whip them up in a blender, tossing in strains of Caribbean calypso and ska, Eastern European klezmer and Balkan brass, Middle Eastern mystery, and more than a few unidentifiable elements that just somehow fit. The result is music that sounds at once ageless and primeval, authentically indigenous and inexplicably otherworldly, familiar and unlike anything else. Hazmat Modine revolve around the vision of Wade Schuman, a virtuoso on the diatonic and chromatic harmonicas and a variety of guitars who then mixes and matches his machines to a variety of other instruments till he arrives at that place his head has been visiting. Those instruments include the commonplace (drums, trumpets), the unexpected (Hawaiian steel guitar, lots of tubas), and those you're just not going to find down at the local music shop (cimbalom, zamponia, claviola). With that arsenal and sympathetic players at hand, Schuman invents. Sometimes, as in "Lost Fox Train," he's on his own, unreeling a thrilling solo harmonica piece that nudges the instrument out past the town limits. Alone again on "Ugly Rug," it's just Schuman and his lute guitar. For "It Calls Me" (on which Schuman's usually rough-hewn vocals slide up the scale and recall the late Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson of Canned Heat), "Everybody Loves You," and "Man Trouble," he brings in the legendary Tuvan throat singers Huun-Huur-Tu, whose amphibian warblings may or may not have met up with tuba and Hawaiian steel guitar before, but probably never within the same song. If all of this sounds a bit deliberate and precious, the relieving news is that it's not. Hazmat Modine are unconventional in every sense, but theirs is listener-friendly music, nothing that requires a degree in ethnomusicology to enjoy. Many other bands, from Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks to the Cheap Suit Serenaders, and from the Jim Kweskin Jug Band to Squirrel Nut Zippers, have mined forgotten caves of Americana before, but Hazmat Modine's widened the playing field here, taking the resurrection international on this stunning debut. Jeff Tamarkin, All Music Guide HAZMAT MODINE来自纽约,是一只新乐队,他们受到1920到1930年代的美国早期音乐,布鲁斯,雷鬼,犹太乐,吉普赛,乡村等影响,使用口琴,号,吉他,打击乐,夏威夷琴,电子琴,还有cimbalom(匈牙利民族乐器),sheng(笙--即中国的民族乐器)Banjitar(班卓琴)等乐器混合出非洲,夏威夷,中东,爵士,与美国早期民谣等风味。成员:Wade Schuman(主唱,口琴,班卓琴)10岁 开始学口琴,深受1920到1930年代乐风与早期布鲁斯影响。Randy Weinstein(唱,口琴,笙)7岁开始学口琴,来自芝加哥。深受芝加哥布鲁斯与现代爵士及沙龙音乐影响。Joseph Daley( 大号)受早期爵士影响,是纽约新进的优秀大号手。参与了许多优秀爵士乐队。Richard Huntley(鼓,打击)喜欢爵士,巴西乐,古巴乐,犹太乐,是曼哈顿音乐学校硕士。Pete Smith(吉他)喜欢巴西与古巴乐,参与了许多优秀唱片制作。Pamela Fleming(小号,军号)她是爵士乐队Fearless Dreamer的主要人员,并和许多著名乐队合作。特邀乐手:Bob Jay(吉他),Jon Sholle(电琴,钢棒吉他,Banjitar),Joshua Camp(cimbalom ,笙),Henry Bogdan(National Tricone Steel Guitar),Rachelle Garniez(Claviola),Scott Robinson(萨克斯)。 HAZMAT MODINE在2006年出的第一张唱片叫《Bahamut》,其中还和图瓦乐队Huun-Huur-Tu进行合作。现在已经得到极高称赞,纽约时报,纽约客等杂志也都一致推荐。作为世界音乐的唱片,《Bahamut》无疑是成功的,它的乐手它的音乐都是已经经历了十多年的磨练才形成的. (关于Bahamut 的解释: Bahamut(巴哈姆特)Behemoth(贝希摩斯,见下)的复数形式“Bahamoh”在流传到阿拉伯之后被误写为“Bahamut”,关于它的传说也发生了很大的变迁。巴哈姆特的传说代表着阿拉伯人的宇宙观,巴哈姆特形似巨鱼,飘浮在一片没有泡沫的汪洋大海上,在它的背上是一头巨牛,牛背上扛着一座红宝石山,山上有一天使,天使头上是六重地狱,地狱之上是地球,地球上面是七重天堂。在巴哈姆特的身下是一望无际的海洋,海洋下面是黑暗的深渊,再下面是火的海洋,最下面爬着一条巨蛇,如果不是因为惧怕真主阿拉,这条蛇会把所有的创造物都吞入肚中。 Bahamut是如此之大,人的视线根本无法达到,《天方夜谭》第496夜的故事说,耶稣在看过巴哈姆特之后,曾经昏倒在地三天三夜不省人事。)
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