I am a Singer/Songwriter的乐评 (9)
I'm moved.
I am a singer / songwriter is an album by and about an eccentric, dreamy and striving artist. a singer / songwriter. egil olsen. 凭这句话,Egil Olsen的歌曲值得被感动。
composer and creator
Second Album heard from this singer. The surface of album is attractive, cute... "Deep down the basement", instruct me to think of lot things. Band sound, lonely space, or dig oneself... It's pure, he is a singer to sing a song, and he is a songwriter ...
我多想为你写一首感染你的歌 可是我写不出来 我多想为你唱一首打动你的歌 可是音乐响起 你张嘴 我就沉默了 王奇 我爱你 我爱你 只是没办法在一起 没办法拥有你,听到这首淡淡的歌 骄傲的处女座再也找不回那种感觉了 我或许是真的卑微了 真的不晓得迷途知返 还在那个...
into the world , into the soul